do they really skittles ? thats why you had a big bust up with all bh members in a 3rd party app bh room and you left blackhand for about 8 months . i read that conversation . you cryed about it alot mr popular NOT.
I actually only had a problem with 1 person and he was gone after that. Seeing how I left for a bit was because of RL like everyone has to do at some point. College is more important than kaw, but seems like you don't know that since your ego is faced all around your "kaw glory" when everyone knows you for being annoying.
you leaveing blackhand was nothing related to reallife issues. you was active in all the clans you joined after that. you even tagged your screenname with another clans tags after leaving blackhand mr_popular-NOT.and that 1 person you had a problem with was bootsy. she spread lies about you all round blackhand and made them attack your account and be nasty to you. im off this thread now so dont quote my name again skittles.
I never knew bootsy in BH, there is a damn lie LOL. ATA locked my account to purchases, therefor taking my abrupt name change and making that false to. You are just a bag of lies huh?
dont bother lying skittles .you cryed about it also in kaw forumers 3rd party app room and JungleKat stuck up for you against bootsy .and she ended up getting abuse from her too. and you are on the bh recruitment thread with your old screenname and so is bootsy. you were even in her striptease clan with her.
I was never associated with bootsy other than help stripping her. I don't even know who tf junglekat is. Lie more please? You look like a fool, pick up your pants.
Skittles was never striptease. She stuck with BH during that crap, stop making up lies Veronica. I normally stay out of forums these days, but I will not allow you to pull lies out of your ass, and slander one of bh's most loyal members. Everyone loved Kelly, she was a respected admin of black hand. Please, enough of the lies, or I'll see to it you're forum banned for lying, and slandering her name.