yes hotty your lies backfired on you. im sure bootsy will call for your services to back her up on other threads im on .
Roni you call everyone a liar lmao, just shut up already. The attention seeking is getting genuinely pathetic.
i dont need any attention whatsover you are living off my every word v . thats enough in its self . im just exposing bootsys blackhand history .when she came on the thread to mock it .
How about you guys argue in your thread roni because you are getting annoying. Like V said it's pathetic at this point. You are a pure tool. No one likes you. Time for me to be a liar now as well. Leave this thread to remember BH and not to you arguing about how much of a "big shot" you are.
I seriously can't remember black hand being a great osw clan or great at anything for that matter, and I have been round a long time......
No seriously am not trying to be funny but all I can remember bout black hand in my kaw playing days was they were a bit of a joke......
Well i remember old black hand very well. They ran many bars on ISS strips and we ran many bars on theirs.
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I actually am thanks for noticing. Many people like me because I don't think I'm the best around or have a huge ego that interferes with every conversation. Most like me actually.️