The End of an Era (Please Pass the Salt)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Tonight!
  2. Nice read Zeth 
  3. This is stupid..
  4. Nobody asked you to crap in my cereal.
  5. Zeth=salty?
  6. Cool story
  7. Did he name his kids salty paws???

    Salty pods???

    na4 extremities????
  8. Sandy Hands
  9. I remember when Zeth stole artwork, or did we all forget that and like Zeth now? I havnt been too active someone fill me in
  10. The end reminds me of my neighbor, he was a young boy only 9 and had terminal cancer and on his death bed he told his older sister to get closer and then he whispered into her ear "you are still a fat ____".
  11. Lmao zeth you have issues, you know this right?
  12. Negatory
  13. Was this ever in doubt?
  14. Yes he did, but he knows he can't draw, and will admit that. We trolled the truth out
  15. Mmmm trolls
  17. Salty must have gone to do the purge!
  18. Im eating popcorn anyone got any salt?
  19. Yes, but smells of feet