I plan to marry for love, but if they have no money then it's a deal breaker Does that mean I'm in fact actually marrying for money?
@MM That's a good question that I don't have the answer to. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and helping to shed light on the fantasy that people shouldn't get married for money. A person's value is more than just their physical appearance and their personality, and I think we, as a society, would do well to accept that fact and dismiss the romantic fantasy of so-called "blind love."
I guess it depends why the no money is a deal breaker? Is it because you want him to buy you whatever you want? Or because you want someone who knows how to manage their money? Or because you want someone who will be able to contribute financially to your relationship and any family you might have? I think in the end there's lots of different reasons for marriage, not just one solely one reason like love or money. Bottom line is that both are happy with the relationship and both understand what each other wants.
OP you are naive ...why do you think most men (American) are so driven to make money? It's because most women marry "for money" it's just that some are willing to sell out more then others. ...all the women I know (American anyways) would not marry a good looking charming poor dude strictly for love, most would rather marry some ass with money who they can deal with that will provide them with what they "want"
How do you determine successful though? ..not getting divorced? Most culture that have arranged marriages don't allow the woman to leave the man ...unless they want to get stoned to death or burned alive (no joke)
I suppose if I really think about it, I'd be willing to put up with more crap from a guy if he was rich Not necessarily stay with an ass, but he would definitely be given more chances before I call it quits. I'm sure it's the same when it comes to men (or women) dating super hot women. Men are more forgiving towards a woman with a booty, right?
Yeah I agree with you OP ...to all you single KAW ladies out there. Don't sell yourself cheap. GO BIG. (Anna Nicole Smith should be your role model)
Oh, absolutely. I even told my GF that I'm leaving her if she gets fat. Keep it slim and sexy, ladies!
Actually, to add to what I just said, I'd take it a step further and say that the biggest advocates of equal treatment for fat people are the fat people. Now, people will call you shallow if you date a woman for her being slim and having a pretty face. This only recently changed because now there are almost as many fat people as people of a healthy weight. It's crazy the stuff I see on TV these days. You'd rarely see fat people on TV or commercials ten years ago, except as a clown to be the butt of jokes. Now, fat people even have their own TV shows. It's disgusting that we've come to a point where living an unhealthy lifestyle is not only acceptable, but sometimes, encouraged. For the ladies, you've gotta keep it under 24% body fat. Like - 24% is the upper upper limit of what's acceptable. 18 - 20% should really be your goal. And forget about the number on the scale - it's meaningless. You should aim for a target body fat percentage, not a body weight.
ABSOLUTELY I know you're being fecitious but seriously ...men evolved to "want" to marry/breed (whatever) with woman who can provide many many healthy offspring (big booty) ...women evolved to being attracted to bigger/stronger men or men with RESOURCES to provide for them. When we were cavmen and cavewomen you wouldn't have been called a "gold digger". You would have been considered one of the smarter ones. OP is 100% correct most of us are not "FREE THINKERS" most of us are enslaved to someone else's dogma ...most people are brainwashed but wouldn't care if they knew it anyways (sheeple)
So far I've learned that you can find a partner if you are: Ridiculously good looking, but poor. An ass, but rich. Can these two be balanced? What if I'm 'average' looking, and have 'average' income. Am I in for a chance?
Bingo. As for the OP, sorry you see it that way. I'll put love over money any day. I'd rather be dirt poor and in love than leeching off of somebody I don't have strong feelings for. I believe in building something for yourself, aside from the love thing. And I'm not the type to live off of what somebody else has made. Although if Salma Hayek is single... If there was a beautiful young woman whom I loved deeply, and coincidentally was the heir to Rex Tillerson (I say that because Mr. Exxon lives not far from me) then I would marry her, of course, but I'd keep my job. I don't like to rely on people.
Slim does not equal healthy. Just as bigger bodies does not equal unhealthy. Plus, everyone is attracted to different things. And agreed Zethor. I wouldn't base my relationship on money. Though I understand some can build a relationship on it.
Of course you can lol ...not all men (and women) are sheeple. There are actually some people out there who have learned to think beyond their instinctual behavior ..not many but they're out there. Gotta find yourself a free thinker (I belong to a local "Free Thinkers" meetup group) ...and yeah I met a couple chicks there lol
Studies have shown that people tend to partner with their equals when it comes to socioeconomic status and physical attractiveness. The reasons for this, according to the studies, are as follows (assuming my memory serves me): Socioeconomic equals tend to view each other as peers, rather than one dominant and one subordinate. Mutual respect is key to healthy relationships. A person who has partnered with a mate who is much more attractive will tend to have increased feelings of insecurity, which leads to anxiety, which leads to depression and loss of self-esteem, which puts strain on the relationship that can lead to divorce/separation. So, you're most likely gonna end up with an average guy with average income. Not a bad deal for either of you.
Eh, I don't see why money or good looks can't be the precursor to love. Unless you believe in love at first sight, most people I've talked to tell me that love is something that's built - it doesn't happen automatically.