To build on Moodys comment earlier, I was about to lock the thread in question for a variety of things - personal info, personal attack, or discrimination. It fit all those criteria, in addition to the fact it was clearly intended to bait certain named players. By context and intent, it was lockable. Sometimes I try and save threads if they are worthwhile. I will merge out the bad comments, if I am notified in time by the OP. I go to all the effort of remaining sober past 6:00pm, and get my mod on. If I am not notified, and if the opening post is beyond redemption, there is no choice but to lock up, throw away the keys, and find a nice shiraz to spend the evening with. It is generally the same 5 people who cause the issues. Now, on to this thread. It appears related to the initial, locked thread. It has a personal attack in the OP, and personal attacks throughout. There are offences in regards to silences. It also looks to me like it is complaining about said locked thread, as demonstrated by numerous posts, which in itself, is lockable. So, I am going to go ahead and lock this thread. Feel free to email in regards to it. If I see another thread, I will start banning.