the darkness below

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by colin6589, May 14, 2012.

  1. You have an IQ of 211, congrats.
    Now repeat that without lying to us.
  2. Paradox, he may very well have a high mathematical IQ. However, IQ is nothing without application, and a mathematical IQ is different from a literary IQ.
  3. Ok I will repeat it I have an iq of 211 and that's the truth and do you know why because I choose knowledge over drugs unlike you
  4. Knowledge over drugs.

    How original and completely true. [/END SARCASM]

    Please, let me say this again.

  5. And please, re-read my posts. Or read them for the first time.
  6. Knowledge and intellect go hand in hand you can't have one without the other
  7. Yes, you can.

    KNOWLEDGE is the fact that you KNOW things.

    INTELLECT is mental capability. They are COMPLETELY different.
  8. I have given up. You can live in your figurative darkness, aka obliviousness to a fact that I have just shoved in your face, complete with caps rage.
  9. Get off Fan fiction, seen so many like this, some have pulled it. Well, your not one of those people.
  10. Knowledge over drugs?
    With your grammar and lack of punctuation I somewhat doubt that.
  11. I for one believe there gud grammer is too awesum 4 you're tiny brian.

    No seriously OP, get the hell out of FanFic.
  12. I'm not going anywhere fools! I have just as much right to be here as you bullies, only difference is I'm respectful to others!
  13. That being said.

    OP, I have tried to make my point. I am not being condescending, like you, or elitist. I am truly trying to make my point and you refuse to see that. What I'm trying to say is that your information is false, yet you ignore me and continue to accuse the others of obviously false things: bullying, drugs, the like.

    That is being a bully. Accusing people of things they did not do repeatedly.

    We are not bullies in the truest sense. We are making legitimate suggestions and providing you with fact. Yes, we can be rough. No, that does not entitle you to call us 'bullies.' Calling us bullies and accusing us of taking drugs is, indeed, disrespectful. We are rough with our words because you have not proven to us you deserve gentle treatment, and each of us has different standards.

    Tl;dr version: You're a hypocrite.
  14. Really so what your saying is insulting my hard work and thought isn't bullying is that it is this a holier than thou thought process you've got because guess what it's not going to fly with me I view all of you as my equals no matter how rude you are to me but if you don't have anything constructive or nice to say don't say anything
  15. I'm sorry they are being so mean to you. U obvisly hve awsum grammr nd speling skils. u no hoe 2 capitlize nd puntuate. thy r jst jerks, rite?

    Haha :D
  16. It's CRITICISM. Get used to it.
  17. I am not elitist. I am stating truth: it is criticism. Criticism isn't always constructive, but it can be viewed as constructive and you can LEARN from these things.
  18. Ouch, I couldn't even read that without trying to hurt myself, so for others I'll try to correct your amazing reply into terms other people can read.
    Really what you're saying is; insulting my hard work and effort isn't bullying...
    I couldn't get any farther into the post because it doesn't make any kind of sense and hurt me deeply.
    So to others, that's as far into his post you should get. :D
  19. I think what OP is trying to say is that we're elitist bullies and that he views us as equals. :|
  20. I'm saying bullies are people who find it fun to attack those who are weaker which is exactly what your doing but you know looks can be very deceiving
     *evil smile*