Really, if its that difficult all we actually need for a leaderboard are numbers 1, 10, 100, 500 & 1000... At least that would b a start to help folks see where they were in perspective to where they want to be for the respective rewards ...
Still no gold chest. Had 70 tokens going into last round...85 after round was over. No notification in my news feed about winning team. Alt was also on gold. Received his reward but this account nothing.
So far this event has been pretty cool! I hope the developers will continue to do other events similar to this one. The only complaint I have is that there has not been a leaderbored posted at all. You would think to increase crystal and seal sales the developers would start posting a leaderboard. Hint Hint lol ,-. \ ;-. \\/ Fly ´¯`•.•.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸. :Ο0∞∞∞∞ •.¸¸.•´¯`.•.¸¸.•´¯` //\ / `-' •.¸¸.•´¯`•.¸¸¸.•´¯` `-
I think Devs just fires the Data Analyst guy. So no one doing the LB. Btw, I can work as Data Analyst part time. Hire me so I can help on preparing the LB for this event. Lol
Why did I loose my griffin status right at the end of the event??? Will I not get my chest now if they win?
HTE started way before end of round and ended before round ended. Should have gotten roughly 50 battle tokens but since we did I was short of 50. We need our battle tokens please Devs.
Still don't kmo what ebs drop the stupid tokens but I don't have much. Where is the eb list for tokens
Not remotely interested in a event that cannot post the times in a recognized international timezone. Devs Most peope know their local tz conversion to gmt...but most people outside norh america do not know your obscure tz. So easy for devs to post in a broadly recognised tz.