The complete guide to de-n00b-ifing KaW.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Merlyn, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. Says the one not posting with their main...
  2. Oh wait this is your main.. Go play longer then a few weeks..
  3. When did you attack me you barnacle
  4. His main is probably only slightly bigger than the crap account he's posting with now. On his mom's phone at that.
  5. Look at achievements.... Before you say "play longer" I just don't play on my iPod very often mostly computer.
  6. Hmmm you've been playing for a while, I don't have respect for you because of those stats. Unless your a good forumer
  7. First of all getting owner is acually really easy... As me n my fellow noob hunter team has disbanded and destroyed over 100 clans and don't sticky as all the noobs and stuff come in here and see what we are doing and won't give us admin or owner.... So if u guys really want to destroy clans plzz let this thread die... Don't even ask about my stats I reset
  8. I reset twice both around these stats once these stats hansel.
  9. LIER you didn't reset you haven't been playing for a week.
  10. And yet you still suck..
  11. He has 0 achievements.
  12. Ok but we not talking bout stats.... Just let it die.... Like how we did with ours!
  13. Idiot but ok.
  14. Idiot? That's rude.
  15. Stfu dawg I broke my iPod.... I was _gallo_ And got a new iPod.... So stfu I still call it a reset
  16. @merlynd btw nor you carebear
  17. Gallo you suck because noob hunters fell for the same banana in the tailpipe. And merlynd you suck for resetting and never LC'd.
  18. Hehe. Dead Thread.