The Compendium of Sluards

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _ZE_Castiel_MP_, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. CAS!!!! omg we missed you. We sent out an expedition of Sluards to find you but they came back with a cardboard cutout of Nic Cage with the name Castiel written on it and said Mission Accomplished. :roll: did you notice you were hired by a sluard?
  2. You will fall, one-by-one, by the tip of my blade and my blade alone.
  3. I did, he seemed a bit agitated that I was inactive :D
  4. Blades can't kill sluard.

    And yeah Casthought your owner was selling you but he hired back
  6. ^^^ lmfao. Classic Sluard skill, dealing with a creepy comment with a gorgeous James Franco meme. <3
  7. I have yet to meet anything that it cannot cut. But, still. It's funny, I remember when the last guy said something similar to that. May he rest in piece.

    And if posting "Gifs" with the assumption that someone hates you, with no proof whatsoever, is classified as skill. Well, my level of skill is on a different game and platform.

    I'm not sure that going 0 to 100 will even help you to:

    Yet still, I may spare one of you.
  8. *crickets*

    Cas, did we Eva tell u about the time we tried to summon u in a public bathroom like Bloody Mary?
  9. I'm pretty sure James Franco can be the next Nic Cage.
  10. Whats a balto
  11. Silly sluard, I don't appear in mirrors. I can only be summoned in the backseat of an Impala.
  12. This thread should be read by all
  13. sluardy are never in the back seat. We are always the fastest to call shotgun.
  14. if you should happen to buy a sluard or if one follows you home ,what do they eat ? How does one take care of a sluard
  15. This is such a good reference as to the origins and personalities of Sluards. Thank you for making this.
  16. Slty you will never know if a sluard follows you home :/ we are masters of disguise.
    When you are tasked with secretly protecting Nic Cage you have to be good at blending in.

    This one is a more complicated method but you have to do hard things to protect the greatest man on the planet.
  17. The only foods sluard eat are Cages Girl Scout Cookies
  18. Sluardy Wisdom:
    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife. Unless thy neighbors wife is Nic Cage. Then thou shalt covet thy neighbors wife.
    2000 BC

    You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Unless you are a sluard. In which case, fear quiet spaces, slow cars, and allies of any sort.
    - Sluardy Roosevelt

    Sluardy Wisdom:
    And God said, let there be booty, and there was booty.
    And God saw dat booty. And it was great.
    Sluardy Genisys
    (Sluards spell everything their own way)
  19. ^someones been reading the sacred Sluard books!

    Just saw the Sluard Christmas photos #27 took... In the minds of Sluard there is only 1 Angel.