Sorry this war is none of my business but i had to laughno forums-idds forum post/havent been chest beating-i seen bsya beating that sexy chest all through wc the other day
It is funny if this is from the idd vs hog estoc war why this tarted shouldnt idd farm those totally inactive like cherry? I mean really idd just is all butt hiurt cause they got steam rolled by 2 real war clans back 2 back! Now they blame zerg for their own inactivity. I hope zerg destroys idd personally so go get zerg!
I meant after my post about IDD stayin out of forums. Bubba your mad bc someone called you a name you ff our eb and left.
Im not mad lol but at that time i was very upset.However i apologized and its the past. I find you guys saying that these guys left cost yall a war is bs. You guys wasnt active what so ever during the war. But all good u ran back to lick musa butt atr we see that after u talked trazh on his leadership skills ya i would love to have a backstabber loke u in my clan! Lol well hopefully zerg destroys idd is all i can say.
Bubba you are still upset I kicked you from IDD for being a coward. First you ff our friendly war with ally clan. Second being mean to a small member that just being himself calling name. Third help strip another IDD member. You think you I am going to choose a coward person over a small account. You made a mistake I kick farm you for being and idiot. You been in kaw for 3 years you still have no real home clan. When you get hit by YAFI always cry to AAH. Man up fight back . I don't know why clans still taking you as a member. If they check how you play KAW they should be embarrassed for having you as a member. You are a very unreliable person to fight alongside.
@musa really i never whined about yafi hitting me also get ur facts straight about that i was inactive during the whole yafi war n just returned. And if im really that bad get proof of it and have me booted from HoG! Also i didnt strip no one never touched bryanisawesome however u truly felt so right that i did so i guess i did show the proof! But go ahead n run ur mouth you wont come after me again all u do istalk big n run to clan a onve u cant handle it. but if u want to think ur tough idc its the internet everyone is tough here!
Haunted who are you? The last guy I remember us resetting was awesome or some junk like that. Is buba grup? Just wondering about that.
Zerglord… i left cuz it got boring not having any incoming i mean i litterally timed it and it took zerg 2hrs b4 they hit me nd tht was sitting at 100%
apology for poor english when were you when john lenin dies? i was sat at home eating peanut butter when my friend Pjotr ring phone 'john is kill' 'no'