The collectively nakid Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thee_CHERRY_on_Top, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. "less talk, more war"
  2. Lol says the pesky spy with nothing to lose 
  3. Lol I looked at lsa clan just nowu guys are broke lolz. A clan of pot burners.
  4. Get some class and hit the newsfeeds dont talk about it on forums ffs, hey Bsya
  5. Hangin there Zerg - Love you guys! 
  6. Go cherry, I'm always an idd
  7. Dang, 2 mods are supporting zerg
  8. Lol you can't list pure spies as accounts you stripped you numnut. I personally hired several of those pure spies allies once they dropped their build. This thread IDD = FAIL
  9. My point was!! Stop saying little IDD is beating IDD !! There not !! IDD and friends are fighting Zerg !!! While IDD keeps bringing in more ppl!! I would say clan size has nothing to do with this war anymore!! So stop bringing it up!! Looks pretty even so let's see who the warriors are!!
  10. Beating on Zerg
  11. Support to IDD. Zergs full of fools.
  12. And since when can you run from the new system war? When I did the very first beta we couldn't leave the clan until the full time was up, even though the opponents forfeited thirty minutes early. Maybe I'm just out of touch with the system wars...
  13. Not sure how lsa. But when ZAFT Carnage warred IDD we monitored IDD roster. About 4-5 people left during that war. we were wondering how they did it too.
  14. None of that really matters anymore.

    This changed from something silly to what it is today. But I'm having a blast! First time I've been stripped in nearly a year.

    It was a failed strip... But either way lol. I'm pretty sure I can recover that 200-300 mil..

    People - Zerg called in people, IDD called in people so stop saying Zerg is all alone or IDD is all alone lol. Rare these days when a clan is truly alone and I'm positive it was anticipated anyway.

    For this war that "started" this all.. Look at the war history. Alot of people had no or little actions from IDD yet are the ones making some of the largest stinks about it. But that doesn't matter. War is always biased.

    Here goes another 10 days lol.. Happy warring
  15. Well done Zerg, allot more classy than the rest. All I see from the other clans is trash talk.
  16. Yeah Val, you know classy like you know humility.
  17. Lol - classy? I have half of the posts myself trash talking...

    I speak the truth, but it was clearly trash talking.

    Great support for Zerg though!
  18. IDD doin all the trash talk? Notice how must of the people on this thread aren't even in the war. IDD is stayin out of forums, hopefully.