I'd like to send my support to IDD, First Zerg member says Osw has no rules or clean fighting then somebody else complains that Zerg are smaller than IDD... Lol
I personally think our osw would be better without trash talk. Neither side can fight with honor while running to forums an shooting third grade insults. ₳ɖ ㅆǿℜナعㅆ
Aw, I kinda like the trash. I don't know enough about the players in this one to trash talk at all other than I've seen 200b in strips on Zerg today, and practically no incoming. I had to find a 1 on 1 on the side to get any love. I'm not sure Zerg has their heart in this.
Lol swabs. Not tellin you what you can and can't do. Hell I'm not even admin at ad mortem yet but trash talkin in medium to bigger osw makes clans look
Support to IDD.. Watch out Zerg, musang has very deep connections that when called upon you may wonder where they will come from.. but guess musang can handle it for now New Age
Well from what I see here is, a bunch of ppl coming to IDD aid!!! Allies family clans that's all good to protect your family !! But I don't see any other clans saying there coming to zergs aid!!! So u can't say little IDD is beating Zerg what u can say is IDD and family and friends are beating on Zerg!!! Don't get to big headed u had to call in back up to make this a fight it seems like!! No same in that just call a spade a spade !!!! Great War win or lose both clans fought well
Did lsa not come to zergs aid first? I believe they did lol. So call a spade a spade. Zerg got back up and seems idd has more backup.
Mike lol. Zerg already was bigger than IDD when they called in LSA. I don't see how you can criticize IDD for doing what Zerg did first. Perhaps you need to check your facts before spouting **** all over something you know nothing about. New Age
Just going to comment on the post that made me laugh straight out loud. On page 3 Hobbs says he spammed Cherry(?) wall because he wanted a reaction, but it was childish to block him. Childish to block a childish stunt like that? Lmao god that made me laugh. Good one