The collectively nakid Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thee_CHERRY_on_Top, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Support ZERG! 
  2. Support for zerg
  3. Easy way to win this war would be too start picking on zerg's subclans.
  4. Thats not the easy way
  5. Worked with K.o.S, all main clans will want to protect the structure of their subclan. If people start leaving that hurts the whole clan.
  6. Easiest way to win is for them to realize that they are overmatched.

    One apology from the owner on Mourga-Ra's wall end this. We all go our separate ways. Until then we will continue to hit, strip, farm, squander, bamboozle and of course make fun of cherry for her childish ways.

    Have fun! I'm fine with this lasting until next year. I'm making great money!
  7. zerg sucks

    Well moose says more effort so here it is

    idd beat them up very much. They dont run. We beat them up. They are stupid not to run. We are smart. Some of our members ran. This means we are smart and know how to avoid a butt kicking.

    they are dumb and dont run. We are smarter than that. When they try to strip us the ones who see this leave clan. This is smart because it prevents us from being stripped even more

  8. *sigh* all this trash talk really is useless except for other formers enjoyment. Let your actions talk in the other clan's news feed. I love a good war but trash talking is pointless. Besides that i tend to make friends with my past enemies in war.
  9. Re: zerg sucks

  10. Re: zerg sucks

    Lol? This isn't
  11. Re: zerg sucks

    Oops accidentally posted. This isn't much more effort. Just colorful. I can barely understand the content.
  12. Re: zerg sucks

    Oh god... Really?
  13. Re: zerg sucks

    Merging with other Zerg war thread
  14. This worked out better than i planned 
  15. Ad Mortem is joining our allies IDD against Zerg.

    Good luck, Zerg, this never goes well when it gets to dogpile level.

    Don't negotiate with us, we don't care. Deal with IDD. We pound you until they say stop.
  16. I can foresee ISS joining the fold soon against Zerg too. All this chestbumping by Zerg will probably be squashed soon. But in my humble opinion I thunk musang bro you need to muzzle cherry. She doesn't realize it but everyone else does. She is a big mouth. And a nOob. No offense meant towards you cherry but seriously. Shhhhhhhh
  17. I don't speak on behalf of iss of course so don't assume that. I just foresee them coming to the aid of their allies.

    And cherry the shhhhhhh comes from someone who supports your squad