The collectively nakid Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thee_CHERRY_on_Top, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Now if only the NHL lockout got resolve this easily lol
  2. LSA Fighting
  3. LSA Fighting
  4. Ps...for the record, I was not stripped by idd even though I am listed above by my BFF
  5. I've been dying to say that for days.
  6. Don't disrespect shamefullylongsword. You know I was is your news feed. It was a good war. Nice warring you all. Some of you get my respect!!!
  7. Both clans deserve respect for even being involved in extended war.

    Ceasefire and apologies from either side should be both respected and commended.

    Warriors are warriors. There are precious few willing to risk everything these days.

    Maybe one day we'll stop fighting each other and return this game to the one many of us grew to love.
  8. Well said joe. There is no room for hate in war :lol: 
  9. I harbor hatred for very few folks. By far less than 5 in life or Kaw.

    Irritation, anger, and frustration are short-term feelings or situations that frequently present themselves in this game.

    Tbh, qwertyx5 from Alpha (one of the folks we recently warred) said the toughest part of dealing with me was, "hello"

    Hatred is a strong emotion. 1ate7 and Swabia have fought in osw from Foxes from our "most hated rival, iG". That isn't hatred, it's respect for warriors born and forged from similar bonds.

    At some point, the warriors will come together. If I'm still here, I'll smile.
  10. To all that made my news respect given. To zerg thanks for the fight.
  11. Love and beers all around. Glad to see both sides were able to compromise and apologize. Glad our clan was able to support our ally clan, Zerg. Had some good targets all the way through despite the claims of no hits by IDD  On to the next war...
  12.  rose, you rock my world sweets. 
  13. Joe_ I grew to love war... Hahaha

    When I started WC was a slew of propaganda. I thought iG must be the devil and I wanted nothing to do with clans.

    Then, I tried the beta war, and I was marked forever.

    But hey, all that fighting was fun, and among my top 10 strips Gfox has to have at least 3.

    I like a good fight, but typically it's not personal.

    If I wanted to be on LB and a whale I certainly could be. I just don't care for it. If I can pvp and clan v clan I'm happy.

    I'd prefer more of a fight, and more risk, but I'm trying to bring that back through training 1 clan at a time.
  14. Regulars in my newsfeed:
     davan_draxis, exxified, lithia, t-h-e-daddy-05 
    Thanks for the love 

    Both sides fought hard, muchos respect. 
  15. I'm with rose on this glad both sides came to a agreement, and decided to agree to disagree!!! cheers. Glad Dragons in the Myst could help out Allie clans, and made a few from IDD found out that at times we war we bond shake hands and move on. Happy kawing
  16. Thanks for the war, IDD, much respect for actually pinning me the one time :) managed to keep my pots stocked the whole time I was in the fray, and enjoyed it :) shout outs to lobo, topless, cherry and all the rest ( I was hitting off numbers, not names, love y'all the same )
  17. Respect to both sides 