The collectively nakid Zerg

Discussion in 'Wars' started by thee_CHERRY_on_Top, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Infestor and gg lords should be more then enough to take on Marines and Tanks. Marines shoot a bride lord and half of them die to fungal :0
  2. Slander is spoken (they both start with 'S' so easy to remember). If it's written it's libel. If you're going to accuse someone of a tort let's please do it right. Good day.
  3. Nice! Lmao...

    Either way... Cherry likes to create drama. I intend to finish it.
  4. Umm thank you for the lesson professor.
  5. [​IMG]

    It's what I do. No problem mate.
  6. Haha looks like this escalated while I was gone.
  7. Didnt no that only seleceted people could post on certain forums i guess that is a new one for me atr. Well if u dont like me here guess what idgad! And i dont see this lasting too long imho idd will die before that and merge into iss or ad mortem since yall r obviously too weak to war a supposedly weaker clan solo!
  8. Nice to know IDD means so much to you. When did I say they were weaker? They've always been ranked stronger but it doesn't matter now. Obviously anyone can post on any thread but once again why are you here? Has nothing to do with you and as you said you dont care but yet your still gonna be ob this thread.
  9. Hobb if I enjoy creating all this drama as you claim then why is my name on 2 zerg walls, pheonix and draco, and yet my own is covered in vile garbage. Including harassment from you.

    Talk about me being 12 and all the other "slander" and threats etc coming out of your mouths then behaving the same way in forums and on my wall. I just smh

    Btw after lady lady walled me saying she was in zerg still I was going to remove her name from runner list but then the crying party on my wall gave me the idea to change the title of the list instead
  10. After fully reading the rest of this thread I withdraw my statement to not talk trash.
    Zerg  Pansies won't even hit back 
  11. Every war has two different sides of it there "view points". One side always lies and I honestly think its Zerg. If Trouble would apologize we could end this but instead he decides to create drama. Pity how ignorant some people are. Anyways we intend to end this.

    Ad Mortem
  12. I will not say sry for leaving. I believe I have no reason to other then sry I had to carry yal in war
  13. It is interesting to note which side is doing epics and completing them. Does that reflect boredom with the war? Signify making money for strips? Lack of players wanting to war?

    And why so much concentration on forum drama and trash talk? Zerg- two of your members got silenced recently for bypassing. That shouldn't be tolerated by your leaders.

    Wars and fighting is what make this game great.  Fight on warriors and let your actions do the talking. 
  14. @Bubba you are still butt hurt while I was kicking your ass for 2 weeks and take it like a little ***** 
  15. Lol as u see we aren't doin ebats that's the different between eb warriors and true warriors