The Chronicles of KaW:Voyage of the Moose Treader

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by AuroranFlameMachine, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. No you failed, you forgot to use green text
  2. Good call, maybe it will help you read it better.

    Ahem, blah blah blah, you fail again.

    That better 
  3. Pornstar 
  4. Hmm, no sense trying to have a discussion with someone who can't form whole sentences. Mods please lock 
  5. Ok, that woman above me is a Pornstar. are you happy?
  6. Lol at morik and smurfs, you both fail. Terribly might I add. But at least you tried.
  7. @auroran
    If you have fun making threads like this about forumers, please go ahead. They are playful and engaging. Don't let the fail trolls stop you. In fact, I advise against feeding the fail trolls, period. They eat hate and crap irritation.
    And no, I doubt this is a "suck up" thread. Sucking up to me is a waste of time. I "blind friend" anyone who follows me, I chat with every one, abs I have no real influence or power. Lol. If you want a proper target to suck up to, try KaW_Admin. She lives for hollow praise. Lol
  8. ps
    Morik is NOT a fail troll
  9.  so u's not my real freind moose :(

  10. why would u say that firuzzy?
  11. U blind freind noooooooo!!!!!!
  12. . Moose_Admin loves everyone. Lol
  13. Hehe i owned hitler at one time >:) (wait can i tell now??!)
  14. @beatle
    Sure! Tell all! It's a great story.
  15. Lol. The director knows a good many things.
  16. Moving to fan fic...............