The Campaign

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Delphin, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Hmmm.

  2. Yo shifty, help out
  3. With wat?
  4. Jeez. I hope this works. I need helpers tho
  5. Freakin thing wouldnt let me post >.<
  6. Will you help?
  7. I spent 10-20 speakers and reported 9 people. Am I good for tonight, or should I aid and enforce more?
  8. i got ur back delph. Just tell me what u want me to do
  9. My Strategy: ALE

    Aid - Aid the noobs
    Lurk - Lurk for trouble
    Enforce - Enforce the rules
  10. I like will help as much as I kan
  11. Don't worry delphin you got another helper and that's mw
  12. I'm walling every person on wc who asks for anything this:

    yo, you want help? want to grow real fast, learn the game, make friends, ect? go to HOME>FORUMS>Active Topics>The Campaign. 

    I ask you do the same.
  13. there should be a limit on how many times the word "hire" can be said in 1 minute it about only 20 ppl can say "hire" in wc every 10 mins. lol tht would be so relaxing
  14. Or we can pull this off and there won't be any hires
  15. BOO their noobs let them do it
  16. NOOBS got to get stronger and u can just ignore them
  17. Man u wouldn't believe how many people ask for hire. I've reported 11 people and spread the word to at least twice as many