The Campaign

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Delphin, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Amen to that.
  2. It's worth trying to bring this back.... Could work you know
  3. The thing is, it needs people, organization, dedication, and a lot of knowledge.
  4. And it needs a LOT of people.
  5. Hmm... Well if you ever decide to give it a go again, hit me up
  6. I couldn't just decide that. It would have to be a group choice. Talking people into something only lasts so long
  7. And really, the problem isn't really newbies anymore. It's older players who haven't been taught how to play
  8. It's a combination of both, really, Del.
  9. Well you could start with a new thread, tell people what's going on, and get a list of people who willingly volunteer to help. I know I'm new and I haven't seen this old KaW, but I want to, I hear it's good lol
  10. I'm sorry chief, but you won't. It would never be condoned
  11. I have been here a year and a half.

    When I started, the pwar era was alive and kicking.

    There were no EB's. Took me forever to find a clan that knew what was what. (R-E-S-P-E-C-T)

    I wish I started before pwars. But even starting when I did, the difference in this incoming

    I like your idea Delphin. Unfortunately Devs keep adding PvE add-ons. It will only get worse.

    Old school players will become the "bad guys".
  12. dear god this is awful i thought it was about the will farrell movie coming out...
  13. Yes. A thread from January 2011 is going to be about a movie coming out in late 2012. :roll:
  14. Reminds me of my apprentices...maunyves and gjsmo...I have one right now ATM and when I met him he was about half my size, now hes bigger than me :(
  15. See. I know of dozens of players I helped some 6 months ago that are HLBC.

    I just don't care about size I guess.

    It's how you USE your account that matters.
  16. Hardest problem is the WC chat. They need an EB/clan chat and a general chat. The way to convert these, would be for the general chat for people who ask for a volley or hire and normal chat to be accepted, and then silence anyone who spams EB or clan adverts for 24 hours, and then after a week make it 2-3 day silence. I don't think a clan advert is worth 3 days silence. So it may just stop adverts in general chat