The Campaign

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Delphin, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Respect to you.. I think someone should contact the maker (or just anybody official) of the game and see if they could actually do something about all the creeps trying to get hook ups on this game.
  2. Im in. Love the post Delphin. I will try my best to send fresh meat to The Campain

    "get them while they're young, and you can make giants"

    P.s. i know i butchered the quote but its been years since i heard it correctly.

    P.p.s. Anyone know if there is a list of the mods. I have only had contact with Corintian and it seems he went full lurk.
  3. I put the directions to The Campain on the banner in WC. I hope it helps... I have always wanted to put something there but never had enough speakers. I finally got enough and used them all 
  4. List of mods:


    I believe those are the only active moderators to date.
  5. No problem ;) it's my job ;)
  6. you forgot maj

    List of mods:

  7. No I didn't. But most of kaw is blocked from his wall, so what'd be the point?
  8. i saw him answer a question in wc today
  9.  coz it's awesome
  10. I've actually seen a reduction of hires and volleys in wc. Now it's just plagued by pwar stuff. If only we could get rid of that... Lol