The Bone Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Update would be nice
  2. Most likely in roughly 5 hrs or so
  3. Or maybe they are changing rewards up one can dream can't he ?
  4. Where is update ??
  5. Just curious on when rewards will be dished out. Excited for new sword. 
  6. Update update update im getting scared.
  7. where is Friday update on hunt lb?
  8. CALM DOWN! It's coffee break time!
  9. I just want to see
  10. Kaw-Community PMed me with an update.

    " Our servers crashed. We lost all bone hunt data. In the spirit of bleeding-heart egalitarianism and since we really want to continue to flatten all builds into parity we are going to give every player in KAW all the equipment and banners."

    There you have it. You heard it here first.
  12. Its gonna be a few more hours before the devs send out an update. Just relax the devs usually give out rewards in less than 2 days.
  13. Dev. Can you please promise us that you not bringing any new lands or buildings or upgrades till 33% of your players are HFL LC BC. Max build.
  14. When comes the new leaderboard?
  15.  see previous post
  16. 33% of players is a lot. I doubt even 1% is even HFBC.
  17. This ever going to get updated or are they working on rewards, I kinda just want to be in the loop. I'm feeling lost right now
  18. Zzz waiting rewards
  19. Surly lb should of been updated by now.!!! Understand rewards take longer.