The Bone Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. You count your limbs and get a general idea reflects off the general numbers on the LB.
  2. Got 800 limb. But now after 600 they not worth as I can never get in top 1000 and no tier of reward between 600 and 2000 (where prob top 1000 will end ).
  3. Im def in top 1k, but I need to push to get to 500 :/
  4. I have 8 hands. Is that good?
  5. Keep pushing, you're half-way to nowhere. 
  6. So I've got 2k puts me around top 500?
  7. 2.8k
    Only get 34 for seal pots and Max xtal


    Tough to get top 100 for me
  8. I don't even have 200 yet!
  9. Get 600 and then you're done. Top 1000 isn't worth it. Only top 500 and beyond are even remotely worth it.
  10. Top 500 is only worth it for the stinger. The banners suck, I've tons of aqua and inferno, and the plunder spells aren't that great either. I'd go for 600 total.
  11. At least I have 200 limbs lol.
  12. This one sucks. How about some more land to build on? Maxed out for a long time now.
  13. i be happy if i earn 400limb xd
  14. Any chance we can get an update?
  15. Update please?
  16. 3.1k hope im top 500 still
  17. 3.1k hope im top 500 still
  18. You better be lol, or I'm screwed

  19. Lol what's your count