The Bone Hunt Feedback (2014)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by King-Arthurs-Corp, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. I'd like a trinket but give it some time? Winter lasts a few months 
  2. This was the worst event ever, I've done them all since the "hunts" came too be . Super money hungry devs .
  3. I quite enjoyed it but that is more due to the chances at animus boxes. They main bone hunt I was never going to do well on, and most definitely not well enough to drop equip or banners I would ever use. I hope devs consider more 'secondary' tasks as part of the main hunt.

    Most importantly though I don't spend on this game so I certainly dont think devs should be catering for the likes of me. Complaints about hte are ridiculous, and surely almost everyone who competed would have got at least something useful.