The Blood Rains - Epic Battle Challenges

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. This is amazing g but I think u should make more ebs with this blood rains thing 
  2. Hated these. More hunts like feather one. I don't like the ones where you don't have a defined bar to reach like in dragon one
  3. these are kind of lame...i would much rather have a chance at sonething that will last rather than stupid tt things...what is the point of getting a spell that only lasts for 48hrs?
  4. I like the fact that like the summer promos these seem to pull the clan together more than the hunts that seemed to hurt the midlevel clans by encouraging going out hunting instead of loyality!! Although I did enjoy the last year summer promos alittle better as increased the equipment drops as well as plunder increases, but will say thank you devs for a promo that helps the people on all levels and overall all clans!! :)
  5. Do I smell  50% hte
  6. Developers, will there be any hunts? Such as Qutzal Feather or Dragon eggs...
  7. #nomorehunts. This so far has been the event to date. Rather than pulling clans apart they are pulling them together. With good team work almost every clan get a bonus rather than haveing to scramble to a good reward by finding the fastest clans etc.

    Big thumbs up.
  8. Let's go back to hunts. But more so like the feather hunt, where there is a certain number you must attain and not a position. Hunts are always fun and keep the game feeling lively
  9. I agree with Stacy, blood rains good coz ppl in clan stay together ... Not like in hunts where many ppl left for individual achievements
  10. I liked the bloods rains. I think it held clans together better. People who did leave their clans only left for one epic battle or even half an epic battle.
  11. Extra equip drops! For tvd, I never get the cloak. Bring back 2013 summer promos!
  12. :lol: i hope the devs suprise whole kaw with 2x promos like last year
    The kaw ratings in play store and app store will boost up :lol:
  13. I support this promo 100x more then any previous hunt promos simply because it doesn't require mass infusion of real money or playing for 16 hrs a day. This promo allows me to play as I normally do with out the pressure of hitting a certain goal. I do think as the series went along you should of bumped the % more but oh well. Thanks for pretending to show some care for the busy working types with not much money to splurge. If these continue to come out I'll spend more money again  but never a dime on lame equip hunt's
  14. I personally think this has been the best promo devs have done. Promotes clan unity and a level for everyone, plus the fact that we are not forced to continuous hit tedious Ebs. These offer a bit of variety to the clan schedule, but then allow you to hit the eb of your choice after. So more of the same please devs 
  15. 2X's drops n gold promos are of greater benefit to clans as a whole if applied right.Instead of having them applied to specific eb's the 2x's should be applied to the whole tier of each EB group that way the clan can decide which eb to run to give the best equip or drops for the clan.2xs on 100 gold is 200 whereas 7% gives 107,a big diff,but then you have the scrolls 2x's on those just give you xtra scrolls on your already enchanted relics.
  16. I can't see the devs doing a x2 promo anytime soon as the last one spawned hte and rotwb and is now a cash cow for them and in my opinion damaged the game with people chasing easy gold, I understand why they have done it as they get revenue and keeps the game alive. But I found the last summer promos got tedious, no prior warning which eb would be next and people were chasing gold. Is that what Kaw is about? I think getting clans to work together to achieve an aim is a far better idea
  17. I enjoyed the spontaneity of last summers event. It was fun speculating what would be next and then either excitement or moaning and groaning if the even of the day sucked or not. I don't know, I really liked it. And who wouldn't want a day of 2x tsg or summoner. Sure would help with the damn scrolls...
  18. Support for this event..

    This kind of event unite clans.. we can do diff ebs rather than hammering a single eb like ambush for month..

    Btw 2x ts or ss or tsg would be great tho :p
  19. @ Ice
    Yes HTE and RotWB has been the clan killer,as far as EB's go they should be removed from a reg EB and go back to being a promo event.The 2x's like i said earlier should be on the whole EB tier not on individual EB's that are dictated by ATA.As far as HTE/RotWB those are needed for the money generated to pay for the commercials being run here in Canada for Clash of Clans every night on our sports channels.