The Blood Rains Continue

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. and i suppose it would screw up wars.
  2. each SET of challenges will last 2 days... and TWO eb will be Blood-Rain...
    i just count one now 
  3. BR EBs require clans to complete them in truncated time limits....And the reason the BRs don't drop arrows is?
  4. does the bonus apply to ally plunder as well or just base plunder?
  5. Looks like bonus apply to ally plunder too else it wasn't of any use for hansels like me
  6. Br's do drop arrows I've seen it
  7. 24% bonus??
  8. [​IMG]

    More br for quick growth
  9. I had a growth, but I got the dermatologist to cut it off.
  10. Can you go back to the original BR's one smaller tiered and one in the upper tier Skorpio Jorathe or Scrag ebs.TFO/Destr and now BR/Warbeasts are useless for the larger clans as they fly by leaving ppl out of the eb resulting in multi runnings which results in major gold loss.
  11. I do have a question about br

    Did you use a crayon to colour the eb picture i mean seriously couldn't you use some markers..
  12. battle royale blood rains only gives 5% plunder bonus.
    warbeasts blood rains gives 5% plunder bonus.
    please ata test things before releasing them.
  13. Support for this
  14. support
    ata will only mess it up the once lol
  15. Is this just going to be a thing now? Remember when HTE was supposed to be a "promo"? Is that how this is going to turn out? Will there ever be a normal day in KaW ever again without these stupid "promos"? I'm still mad you got rid of Pwars. :lol:
  16. Origins and Ambush both giving 9%?
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