the "big" war against Ancienne ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. Cant this be locked? question been asweared long ago OP just to stupid to understand or to blinded by hate to understand
  2. Besides that OP keeps derailing the threath from the first subject to make it a other i am bullied treath
  3. Lols at first post *lol*
  4. Also forgets how to bb code 
  5. I feel like all u do is complain ....
  6. Ancienne I used to think you were ok and we got on ok. But by god. You're refusal to accept the correct things argoli etc have told you regarding mechanics is very tiresome and in fact, rather aggravating. You posted a thread. We answered it correctly so you could understand. You say we're wrong. Maybe your thread should be locked due to OP derailing.
  7.  agreed. If OP is too narrow minded to accept the game as it is, OP should just stop playing.

    But hey, Anc, i heard the crops in farmville don't hit back either. Might be something for you
  8. OP was answered several times over already and thread is now off topic and adding no value to the forums.

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