the "big" war against Ancienne ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. and just bc I found a way of effective self-defense which was expensive enough for me by now!!! ...
  2. Ancienne ok one more time: you're annoying and seek attention. You rage type things with all your "!!!!!!?!!!! .... !!! !!! !!!! ??!?!!?!!!!" stuff.

    Cheese explained extremly well why it is possible to attack you, you can kick your thread now, because the question is answered correct.

    To explain why he can attack you ALTOUGH you don't have a troop building...... It's quite simple, think about a pure hansel. Or an OAF. Why can they be hit by 1. Troops altough no troop building. 2. Spies, altough they don't have a spy building.

    Because if they don't have a building, it counts as 100% troops/spies, so they never ever become dtw.  now please ask for a lock and don't annoy as the other guy said about 90% of the people who would maybe like to see one good thread in the forums.

    Alison managed to do it! You can try too... But I doubt you can do it.... You complain about being hit in a game with WAR in it.... FarmVille awaits you...
  3. Oh... and... an... obvious...troll... is...obvious...
  4. You have a castle that has a set amount of troops.
    He is in your hit range and cheese is spot on.
    It's not him leaving things out its you not understanding the basics of the game.
    Your castle always has troops so of the opponent is small enough they can attack you.

    Which believe it or not is the purpose of a war game. And not many will like you when you keep doing this I'm the victim because other people are playing the game.
    Please try to understand what people are saying to you and either enjoy the game or move on because you obviously aren't happy playing the game.
  5. noooo i didnt call u a fool man. Was another person in the begining of ur thread
  6. Don't want a war game? ATA offers Party In My Dorm
  7. Or war, just peace and masked freaky lovin, so you can build a family . Then you get to travel to other players villages and have more masked freaky lovin. It's very colorful.
  8. "farm away"??? ... the weaker??? ... like all those cheating bullies do? ... never been my style, sorry ... and at least the defense I found for myself got taken away artificially now, too!!! ...

    and what kind of "help" are you talking of? ... I always could hit back my size or reasonable higher ones ... and I used to make my money by epics only ... didn't steal the weaker ...

    all other wars like EE and osw do cost more gold n time than you can gain back ... bad for growth ... all do know that ... the bullies still try to hide their PROVENLY UNNORMAL efforts to stop or slow down my growth specifically and effectively ... as it's the combination of lies, public defamings up to impersonatings, incitings, "harmless ally tradings", ABUSIVE "fights" up to cheatings can't be called "warring" only ... I'm a single player ... and all mentioned strategies were used by a certain group of players (NOT BY "ALL"!) to hide their cheating way of playing and blame me instead ...
  9. yes, you troll ... get out of my thread! ...
  10. She's just buthurt because she dropped her build to try and become dtw to every1. In the process whistling trillions of gold. But...... Oh no ..... She's still not dtw. She's now in a rage as the reality has sunk in.
  11. the "castle troops" can't hit AT ALL ... just for the records ...

    interesting "basics of the game" ... and when I had dropped my buildings last time even bigger ones than him did burn the cheapest pot only!!! ... a SINGLE one! ... and I got more BFE and BFA meanwhile, too, btw! ... no more pretentions and excuses, please! ...
  12. Clear your following/followed by , name change and rebuild if it is feeling desperate. Don't give in to frustration.
  13. I play KAW! ... NOT party in your dorm! ...
  14. You can lead a horse to water...

  15. @ ancienne
    With those stats Hun, you can't 'play KaW'.
  16. that's a lie ... as I always got "dtw" when I tried THAT with Snr for example ... my att stats haven't been much different to those of my attackers now! ... stop lying! ...
  17. "name change"??? ... whatfor? ...
  18. Well, where i'm from, if your big enough to talk **** your big enough to get hit. If they hit you hit back. It's not bullying if your defending yourself. Its bullying if you go out your way to i assume do what they're doing to you. (from your posts anyway.) Sometimes, you just need to stand up for yourself. And making a thread and yelling at everyone on it may not be the way to go. But all this is just speculation. Since i am a noob myself i really don't know too much. But even on PIMD, people who party don't just sit back and ler themselves be farmed, or change their whole build because someone is. Being DTW is always a Temp thing,
  19. Surprise, surprise, golden girl is complaining. Again
  20. Stop yelling at me. Its unnecessary. I'm one of the only ones talking civil like to you. Maybe you just need better social skills.
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