The big D with Devouring [2015]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Is this thread for debating or baiting???

    ...cos.. U know... Devouring is the master at the latter..
  2. It's debating en masse
  3. I wonder what kind of bait I need to catch this fish.

  4. ^ money.
  5. I think there should be a D to see if we should have these Ds or not first :3
  6. Defense! Defense!

    Let's go D!
  7. Let's start.

    Big butts or big breasts? Which do you prefer?


  9. Support
  10. I have a "big D" of my own...


    Jk lel
  11. BOTH… Mmmmmm save those for later 
  12. The latter picture is better, but I prefer big butts.
  13. #FrogForVK
    Support this debate topic
  14. World Chat Debate will start tonight. :)
  15. I'll be on World Chat in Five minutes.
  16. Debate is over 
  17. Can't debate anything on Kaw. People well up with Noob tears at the thought of a difference of opinion.
  18. BUMP. World Chat debate will start in a few hours.
  19. Debate started in world chat. Come jojn