Yeah I don't think hit range should be shrunk. What should happen is it should equally factor in buildings, bfa and bfe. Ignoring any of those three breaks it down
Don't forget that a real actual clan is gonna have a range of siZes in it, even most of the gigantor 12m cs requirement clans have people who don't meet that rule, maybe alts or just friends. If you narrow the hit range, you will force anyone on the ally lb with solid bfe and a big-guy build to only war against other lb players? They could already do that right now if that's what they wanted to do. Are they? Are there 20 man rosters of all lb caliber people on both sides? How many? The majority of players are gonna be smalls and mids. I'd be all mid if it wasn't for the current system making me a leper for it. Getting people to grow as mids and aim to be big is what is best for everyone, players and devs and all that. But forcing mids to only war with other mids against other mids doesn't mesh with every clan I've ever been in which always includes a range from the 1m or 2m cs noob to the one or two or four people that are lb strong. A range is necessary. Diversity is necessary. It's part of what's lacking right now. Narrow hit range makes that worse not better, I think. The problem isn't the hit range being to big, it's that it isn't calculated right and the plunder a small can pull off a big is out of line. That's not a fault of the hit range.
I think we're getting a bit off topic. Not to minimize any of the other proposals folks are tossing out here, but this thread isnt' really to discuss those. I'm wondering if folks have insights and futher thoughts about the proposal in the OP. Ie. requiring that your smallest warrior be able to hit your largest. I do agree that it would probably limit the very very large leaderboard folks as they're just so big it would be hard for them to put together a clan that could all hit them without DTS. It would also limit the very very small folks. But right now I'd say there are a TON more mids that would like to war and can't in comparison to the few LB folks who would be left out in the proposed system.
Well I did what you just asked for-- explained what's wrong with the proposal of limiting ranges, and mentioned my proposal which is inclusive and organic rather than forcing clans to not be allowed to just be who they are, size wise. But to respond to a very specific point you just made-- you're saying let's switch to a system that is more inclusive for the average player, at the expense of the lb players. That will not fly. The devs aren't going to alienate the people who spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on this game, and there is no reason they should when there are other alternatives that are inclusive and not excluding clans that are diverse in their range.
True, but as I pointed out in the OP, even the beefiest GH/SH can only hit up to around 20-22m CS. So they will never put on enough atk or towers to be able to hit the really big folks without also becoming much larger themselves....which means they become mids and pay okay instead of being GH/SH that pay like crap.
@tmh LB can still war, they just won't have their pick of clans. And yes, the issue is generally that, everyone is complaining about a system that in their view caters to the LB and GH/SH to change it and fix that, some of the LB and GH/SH folks are gonna see reduced usage while all of the mids that are currently left out in the cold have a chance to war as a result.
But Korgano the solution does not have to make things by default be bad for anyone. The changes I've proposed make it so any clan can try and war whatever roster they want, and clans that stick with lb SH will get matched up against other clans running lb SH, and they can have the most level playing field for a fun and challenging war... While clans with a diverse range (including mids who are the meat and potatoes of the game) will be matched up against other clans with a diverse range. There are solutions that don't screw anyone
Surely an internal hit ratio would be better, would not exclude LB from warring as top 1-2 would not have to be able to hit bottom 1-2 But if you had SH and LB in same team your clan would have to have a lot of mids to meet hit ratio requirement to sign up. Or clans could war big or small rosters to meet hit ratio instead. Would still allow clans a lot of options while ensuring clans couldn't just stack LB and SH in the same team. Would also reduce no matches as clans would have to have decent hit ratios to sign up, and reduce TVP farming as the system wouldn't let clans with terrible hit ratios war.
With regard specifically to No Match, everyone should keep in mind that a big contributor to that is the large roster sIzes implemented for S3. It's a huge negative impact. If the roster size was 13 instead of the original 25 that would mean more than double the number of clans signing up for war. You'd think it would be double, but don't forget all the clans that scramble to fill a roster that big and come up one or two people short. The most helpful thing to getting rid of No Match problems is to increase the number of clans signing up. Putting restrictions on what kind of clans can sign up or find a match works counter to that, it will keep people out who would war if they were allowed to bring any kind of roster and be matched against other people who brought a roster of similar total power and distribution of build siZes.
I agree tmh, your suggestions might work perfectly but the devs have said they won't implement the idea. Not much we can do about that other than come up with other ideas. Changing things for EE wars only (plunder, hit ranges, etc) would be great but they simply won't do it.
This idea is very selfish, do you know how many ppl can hit redstar? If a clan which everyone can hit red, do you think they can even get a match? What you are asking is not let him do ee, so do you think it is fair?
That's what I was saying super. It just doesn't make sense why eliminating the top paying players in the game from EE is really fair. Yes everyone complains about them, but, they should at least be able to do them as they do put so much money into the game
Fair? First of all, nothing is ever fair to everyone. But beyond that, what your saying is we should stay with a system where effectively thousands of mid-sized accounts cannot war so that it is fair for Redstar....if and when he chooses to war? And he still could war, they'd just have to set up a roster for it. Harder, but not impossible. There are thousands and thousands of mid-sized folks who can't war in the current system versus the 50-100 folks at the top who might have issues finding a clan to war in with the proposed idea. And looking past just the "mid" builds, how many larger builds are simply refusing to war now because of the system and it's flaws? If "fair" is your gauge then the setup should appeal to the masses, not the single few.
What happens to the top 5 in game? They cant war becausr they are dts to probbly 95 percent of players
Never said it was perfect proposal for everyone in the game folks, just suggesting it might be better than the current setup that everyone seems to hate.
I may be ignorant but are you guys saying there are less than 25 people in the game that can hit redstar? They don't have to win just be able to hit him for the clan he would be in to sign up.
I think their point is that there are likely 24 folks that could hit Red (or any other LB player) but that if you built a roster with those folks....they'd never get a match cuz they would be way too strong.
Wouldn't a clan full of lb guys just match another clan full of huge lb guys? And a clan full of lvl1 SOS hansels match another little SOS hansel clan?