Havent posted in a while. Theyre keeping a close eye on me. Swabia won big points on his castle codes thread and the devs tried to off him. Keep playing guys just keep it under the table.
Bump because featherhunter hates it. Edited its post calling this off topic spam. Its fiction and it has fans. It is in its proper home.
Distance rules! *burns furniture* *calls pizza place* *jumps in front of bus* How much is emoji worth?
Ok this sequence is worth 10000000000000 points!!!! First make 20-100 alts and get them to hire eachother and team farm eachother giving you less money then you started out at, just that is only the amount of ppl hired X total plunder / alts X original points Then you throw you iPod at a bus but don't worry it should have a string on it so you can pull it back after it gets modified by the bus, This allows you to open Mod accounts, shutting down threads=1000 points X post / people that poet on it Banning ppl= number of friends you have X 5000 And you wonder why mods are mods!!!"
To earn a maximum of 60 points you must get zero marks in any school tests. You must also turn up to school without clothes or you will lose all points you earned in the last month and your point will then be halved.
I was about to suggest a huge chunk of sodium and throwing it in water.. Then running away from the living room as fast as possible...