I told people how to get volleyed to 20bil. By sending 3 feedback messages saying hire me, and then throwing your device out the window.
Winners of the past have gotten some amazing rewards. Barak obama (how else could he get elected?) Ghandi (won a ferarri) Kaw_dev (was awarded control over the game) Donald trump ($$$) Satan (dominion over hell) Swabia (king of a small island nation off the coast of florida) You could be next!
As much as I have respect for u distance, but this is just wrong. It's these kind of threads we've been trying to get off Fanfiction. Just read our sad constitution.
Okay a: this was requested by a fan of the antiguide. I had at least two requests for a sequel. Therefore it has fans. B: this is fictional. What part of this does not fit with fan fiction? It may not be a traditional story like you want but it is the correct forum section.
Fine, but I feel B is the only legitimate reason here Having fans about it isn't much reason for putting it in FF but I'll shut my mouth about it for now. Btw what's does getting trolled mean? Or trolling? Always hear people talking 'bout it but never understood what it meant.(Don't call me a noob because then ur lying to yourself)
Btw i never call anyone a noob. It loses you points. Only original insults earn points. Besides ive seen ur name around.
My noobness is so great that I'm automatically set at second place, if I was first always then everyone would know the system was biased towards my awesomeness!