The Animus Box

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. My alt got a box but there is no key to purchase for opening it in the marketplace
  2. Try restarting your app. They are down by speakers and bronze bars.
  3. So if I had 10 chests and then I used a regular key to open 1 and plopped down 90 nobs to open the other 9 then I would make 1000% gold for 2 hours? I believe kaw com said they stack
  4. Um they don't give gold bonus so no. You can get a gold chest out of a box but those don't stack.
  5. Read page 6...kaw com says you can own multiple chests and they stack
  6. He's talking about these chests that drop from ebs that hold random rewards. The stacking is regarding having more than one at a time.
  7. If I have 10 boxes and use 7 of them, how many boxes do I have left?
  8. Eleventeen and a half
  9. This event is going to be fun!!
    Time to hunt some Seals Of the Damned!
  10. We have removed the cap on Crux Chests so that you can hold more than one in your inventory. However, activating Crux Chests has not changed. You can stack a Crux Chest and a Golden Crux Chest to create a 300% plunder bonus. You CANNOT stack the same type of Crux Chests (opening one when your plunder bonus is active will simply reset the time you have left to 2 hours).
  11. If over a couple of days opening the Animus Box we obtain a gold chest and regular crux chest, and say next box you open you get gold crux chest, will you have 2 golden chests? Or will you only be allowed one chest each
  12. You can hold multiple chests. So in your example you will have 2 Golden Crux Chests and 1 Crux Chest. Be sure to use them though because ALL chests will expire 1 week after the event on November 21st!
  13. Per building token upgrade 1 lvl building? Or it upgrades to max?
  14. Do we get new lands in time to use our building tokens? What about all those who have maxed everything? Or can we get an extra level on existing buildings??
  15. Got a box but keys are not in my marketplace. Android
  16. Restart app and check again. Should do the trick.
  17. Nope, this happened with the crux keys as well. Took a few days for them to appear, not sure why.
  18. Wish inferno and aqua weren't prizes :/
  19. Agreed
  20. Got myself 50 aqua for 10 nobs. Needless to say I think I better stop using nobs to open these chests....