The Animus Box

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. i remember everyone wanted daily logins? Well this is basically that but for a limited time, now more complaints about daily free things? what a joke
  2. Have had 4 boxes that I've opened, all limbs so far and now I've 5 more boxes in my inventory with 10 days left to use them. At this rate, if I keep getting boxes, I'll probably have 30-40 on last day and they'll be no good to me. I persona think the amount of boxes you can open per day should be increased. At the end of the day each box is pot luck, so please increase this. Thank you in advance
  4. All this complaining about extra boxes… it's got me convinced that only those not willing to spend money are getting them… freaking 36 hour run and no boxes. Makes me wish they weren't free and cost me nobs :lol:
  5. I have gotten 1 box so far.
  6. I am also getting more boxes than I can open
  7. Haven't had a box in 3 days now. Way to go.
  8. lol got two legendary building tokens but build complete already 
  9. I can't buy any key, they are not even shown in shop. Why?
  10. Yay I got a seal from the box
  11. I spend nobs to open boxes and get building tokens I can't use, is there any compensation for them or am I just waiting nobility points?
  12. Nice u lucky son of a gun
  13. Can you stack a crux chest with a golden crux chest and get 300% plunder bonus
  14. Yes rabbit you can
  15. Get rid of the stupid 24hr rule!! Ill have so many i cant use by the end of the event that i won't be able to use all of them!!
  16. Don't be a tight ass. 10 nobs is nothing

  17. Yes, they stack for 300%. Good luck!
  18. What is the use of building token, If you are already building completion?
  19. Nice idea thanks
  20. There is an issue with the market place for android users. The animus keys do not appear in the market place for purchase. please respond and fix Kaw_comm