Discussion in 'Wars' started by Come_Inside, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. Nah u didn't sound butthurt. Wils did tho lol
  2. I'm far from butt hurt you cryed on the last thread. And now your crying on this one. 
  3. Crying because u guys are cowards? Sounds legit lol
  4. Yet your the one running at the mouth. Typical fury and zaft. Well enjoy your talking lol. Personally you bore me. Btw get more creative than trying to mess with our door will ya. I mean geez at least act older than 5 lol. Happy kawing lol
  5. Wait a second..why can't I state my opinion about ur clan's osw abilities? it's on topic and I've experienced it first hand so why are u all so winded up over me sharing my past experience? Plus I've farmed mike before. I had a different name, with different account. I owned him at some point and in my opinion he's no warrior. Never returned my hits, but my pm was spammed by many lol So why can't I tell others what I think? I can and if u don't like it, make me stop? Haha If I bore u, then don't read. I'm enjoying y'all reaction lol
  6. U farmed me huh???  SS or it did not happen !!!!
    Been a long time since I've ever posted a CF on a wall...
    U know since I never have and all.
    Enjoy the chest bumping while your alliance falls apart  good day
  7. So uhh, do the Aztecs perform sacrifices with you guys?
  8. So long time or not at all? I didn't say u posted my wall, u didn't, I stopped because friends asked me to stop. Point is - u cried to half of kaw instead of hitting back, which is always hilarious lol
    But be careful when u fund next time. After all u're a leader of a clan and u may end up putting ur nubs in danger. That's just selfishly stupid lol
  9. You're all gay and I have Ebola, end of
  10. You cant state your opinion about our osw abilities since your just talking out your butt. Like i said typical zaft and fury. Always talking out your butt. Both fury and zaft are a joke. You talk all this crap and for what. To show how ignorant/clueless you are. Well congrats, you win the cookie lol
  11. Cried to half of kaw. Hahahahahahaha what other bs you got bra xD
  12. Haha now u sound butthurt. I'm kinda busy right now with others on ca, but Im also bigger than u so grow a bit, cupcake, and let's see if u can enjoy pvp. For now u're blocked so I don't forget :)
  13. Lmao ya im butthurt. You truely are clueless. Take alot more than you bra :)
  14. awww cupcake xD you truely are 5 aren't you sally xD
  15. And blocked. Lmao noooob xD
  16. Russian and any MSB trying to de-rail thread need to stop or leave.
  17. Noobs. Support to my friends at Aztec, nice job making them run to forums️
  18. Np demon. Think ive upset the polish russian chick enough lol. Happy kawing all
  19. Figured we were doing yall a favor. I mean you did insult us in your op.

    But, ok.
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