Discussion in 'Wars' started by Come_Inside, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. You never gave any help other than you trolling wc and forums.
  2. Kicked out the clans founders??

    Why join a clan and fight with them if you don't like or agree with the clans own founders and founding principles?
  3. There was more than the founders on the council and we did not hold the vote until 1 of the founders demanded full power and for the council to be abolished.

  4. Our strips will be funded regardless of whether they are here or not. Also, to be clear, we did not kick them out of the clan. They left of their own free will. Anyways, let's not get into useless arguments. As long as y'all run strips on us, and we run strips on you. It will keep the game interesting. Let's have some fun. :)
  5. Reads like a bad survivor episode. Founders got voted off the island.
  6. You will never know my friend  I did a lot more that you think then
  7. Most Interesting thing on this thread to date... Hmmmm
  8. Stay Thirsty My Friend... :)
  9. Roflmao, well resumed.
    That makes Aztec the jungle? Lol
  10. Will the real Aztec please stand up
  11. Read my wall to see the type of kawers awp are. There is osw related trash talk, and then there is that. Guess that is what kaw is now ...:/
  12. BTW at the time of my posting my bars are full. AWP fights with words and not news feed.
  13. For real? 
  14. You should make a thread 
  15. What has kaw come to? No trolls pls. We are all sophisticated here at Mayans clan
  16. Come join us for tsg cigars and brandy
  17. Who are these AWP wanna be's lmao
  18. So what exactly do you have against homosexuals Kyle?

    Are you trying to imply that a person of a specific sexual orientation isn't as good of a kawer as another?

    I'm not sure I see the relevance in what you posted on Dooms wall.
  19. ohhh inferno.. kyler here is a real "special" one. Dont waste your time trying to get logic out of that mouth breather.
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