The ally market has a small problem!?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rising_Star, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. I just wanna know where your finding HFBC spies for 1.3 tril most are 2.5 tril and up I've never seen a 1.3 hfbc spy
  2. You getting ripped off son
  3. Yet another mod (iphito) acting like a db. Op is clearly a noob but mods srent supposed to be donkeys
  4. hire Yellow_Car . Best stats to gold hire you can get.

    You're welcome hater
  5. When did I say they were bc?
  6. You're right, it's not exactly fair, but it's just how the game works. The only way to change this would be to change spy buildings stats, which would cause a lot of unbalanced issues.
  7. I am not a noob, I just wondered why nobody brought this up before.
  8. Why has no one hired yello_car?
  9. It's a market.. Attack and spy accounts prices are controlled by supply and demand. Many ppl want best for their money end up buying attack builds however if u are lb and want to strip farm and b a hard strip u go spy allies little harder to strip/steal someone who has 100mil in ally spy defs from bfa if u can't buy them naked and a nightmare to strip/steal those high lb with 500-600mil spy defs from bfa also most builds are attack in kaw so demand is higher for spies and their are less of them....
  10. This whole this is just silly.

    The devs have set a value for what spy stats are worth compared to troop stats. Spy stats have always been worth less.

    The market sets the relative price of spy stats to troop stats. These are two different mechanisms.

    If op thinks that the devs should be constantly fiddling with the game value of spy stats to reflect shifting market conditions he's crazy.

    If you want to chase ally lb, don't buy spies. End of story.

    Telling the devs it's unfair to not follow the ally market and adjust the game value of spies/core mechs constantly is stupid.
  11. Also no matter what the devs do more ppl target spy builds so even if that fixed the stats difference spies would only get volleyed up by bigger players
  12. @Op, this has always been the same and isn't hard to work out. Check your own roster, atk builds are worth more in stats than spy builds. And if it's prices you're worried about then they're determined by the buyers. Ie/ you. My concentration started to fade after....whatever that sentence said, so if I've missed the point here......shiny red ball!!
  13. Well said.
  14. I seen you support one time. It was for me..... and some crack pot idea I had... like 2 years ago
  15. I have supported like 45 things
  16. Hell no, maybe 3
  17. Well, only considering the price as a mechanism to measure the value of an ally would be the wrong approach anyway to me. If you volley a statless ally to 2T, do you want to be ranked in the LB?

    If you buy a Rallye car for 3 million rl bucks, would you complain that it does not win a Formula 1 competition?
  18. If anything it can be a "weapon" that spy stats are lower. Spies are used for stealth. This does the exact same thing.
    Player 1 is ranked 25 on ally lb, he has mainly attack builds.
    Player 2 is ranked 30 on ally lb. Player 2 has mainly spy builds.
    These 2 players start 1v1ing. Player 1 thinks he has an all around advantage until player 2's spy builds keep player 1 pinned.
    If you are really concerned about rank, just switch from attack builds and spy builds.