AtA winston, if we buy to many bells, like was previously asked. Will we get the nobility points we spend on bells, returned after the bell eb ends?
Is there a catch to getting sickle drops more often? Or is it as completely random and rare like the cards were? Just curious..
Six different coloured sickles combine. Since the colours are random we will need on average 13 sickles to have a fifty-fifty chance of 6 different ones. At the end of the event, most of us will have 7 or 8 uncombined sickles hanging around our inventory. Any chance of a mechanism to change their colours? Or buy a bell with 6 (or more) random sickles? Or be able to start the eb with sickles?
Is this also the case if we purchased Black Friday packs that had bells? What about bells made from sickles? Thanks!!
Hi winston do people get 59 nobility if you collect all colour sickles if you didn't purchase bells in marketplace before you were aloud to buy sickle? Thanks KNIGHTS
Why aren’t the sickles tradeable? Your other items that can be purchased with nobs are tradeable. Lame ATA...
I liked the event. I liked the multiple pathways to rewards with multiple leaderboards and the #1 reward (gj1515). Also liked the community goals. Was a nice concept and good change of pace.