the 7th-10th ranked ee wk12:4

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ER-Rudementary, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Why did you not make this thread after you warred resistance then?
  2. No Val that isht correct. We've been 15th and fought 9th with same numbers. I thought the algorithm was plus or minus 5 str with closest numbers. That's how it was in the past. That's the perfect formula. Within 5-10 str they should match the closest numbers.
  3. I did post on another thread saying how we should have fought ubk yesterday. . Read bunnys ee war thread. I said the matchups should have been switched. Not on a comp or I'd give u the link.
  4. So the people 'baging' op . . . Do you war ESTOCS? or do you have a main that does. I agree with you op. Advantage or not, id prefer a good hard fought even war. Alot would. I think op was just pointing out 'why not have match up.this way' rather than winging . . Just saying.
  5. Wow! We were that 45
  6. Anyway, unfortunately that's what happens sometimes.

    I find EE isn't worth it. I'd of preferred Mith item drops through battlelist ect.
  7. I believe the devs are forcing their xtal scheme upon the community... Those matches take nearly an hour, AND that's what they offer the players, the customers!

  8. Zoom that was actually a clannies thought. Ever since the xtal idea was struck down in forums it seems the matchups have been messed. It's like now every war the 7/8 9/10are matched up regardless of numbers when numbers are WAY more important. U can overcome 10% no problem if u are solid but 20% and up is impossible against even a decent clan if all active. You can attest that we don't cry about matchups. We fought u guys minus 7 and fought our hearts out. Our cc was positive b/c we did as good as we could have in that situation. But if there are options that a live human coukd fix considering all the money spent on xtals during a war then they need to put a body in front of a comp and set the matchups using their strength algorithm.
  9. @Rude, please e-email this to the devs... I don't agree with them forcing their will upon the community.

    I have watched the matchups dwindle from a strong 150+
    Clans signing up 10 weeks ago, to 88 today. Sounds like the devs are LOSING trust, and profits by these poor choices
  10. Give it a few weeks and EE wars will be dead. The cost for pots is not worth the time and cash just for a little better bonus than the current eb equip
  11. Val, at least for me, I do EE wars not just for the equipment, or the edge, but for FUN. It's FUN getting ko's worth huge plunder. It's FUN seeing a ton of green in CC after an xtal run. IT'S FUN coming back down 10b to winning in the final update. This is a game, I play because ITS FUN.

    Neing constantly pinned due to a crap matchup is not on NOT FUN, but an absolute waste of time. I fricken set time aside in real life just to war, and then there is literally no point in opening KaW for 4 hours.
  12. Warring when its tipped in your favor is not fun, I agree. Even matchups are fun. I enjoy war every which way it comes anyways.
  13. I cant complain about todays matchup. It was pretty even most of war.. but yesterday was a complete joke, other side was ranked higher and had 8-9 more players. Devs im losing patience for your ****. This seems to be a weekly thing now
  14. Don't worry. Devs will come up with something, just like they released equipment to encourage people to take part.

    Maybe give free mith to participate in EE tournament before they can fix anything not fair. So even u get bashed in the tournament-to-be, you won't complain because participation itself has a reward
  15. I thought this was pretty obvious...

    Lets say 10 clans sign up.
    5 clans have 30 members. 5 clans have 80 members.
    One of the match-ups will obviously be 30 vs 80...? :/.
  16. True but the devs made 3 of the wars 80 v 30 lol U can see by the numbers in the 7-10/82 that these could have made good wars. Same thing round 3. La resistance should have fought nights watch and us unbeknown. All within 4 ranks of each other and the 2 large matchups were assigned the smaller number. It's almost like these were intentional.
  17. No Donk.
    It's 2 clan match ups mismatch.

    One was 35 vs 55 n another was 60 vs 40.
    So OP is saying that the matching should have been 35 vs 40 and 55 v 60. It would have been a fairer match up.

    As for me. I'm staying clear of EE totally.
    It costs me 1.3b to purchase 1 mith.
    I'd rather save 24b to purchase an ally instead of one war.
    So if I don't do 3 EE wars a week I save 72b and go up one count on LB.
  18. Good point Rude, I agree with what your saying. Support!
  19. I personally think the devs are doing this on purpose. Just to prove their point of more xstals allowed for the smaller numbers clan to use. If they give us bad match ups with big number differences they are hoping we will change our minds on the more xstals allowed thing. They are saddened that their idea got shot down when that same idea would bring them a ton more revenue. That is my thought on this matter. And btw I was in la resistance v. ER. ERs' xtra unloads ended up doing us in at the end as we were down 1B with 30min to go and then from there they just out hit us. I totally agree with u rude. Respect
  20. If you win, you get a lot more mith bud. Just find a good war clan and war there. If you play it right and are active, you will make a profit.