Walks off with chains and the glass. Shatters the glass, takes cactus fibers and attaches the glass to the chain. Kills many scorpions and rattlesnakes, taking their venom and saving the rest for food, and puts all of it in a snakeskin.
Shadow show ss of u saying u folliwed me u wernt online and u didnt say u killed me so BLAH but it ok i forgive u *pulls out knife stabs selfs in stomach bleads out*im out this is stupid
Stalks Zark until night falls, when he's Assleep strangles him. Cannon sounds. Takes Zark's bow and provisions. (he didn't say offline) [offline]
Trumpets* as you all know there is very little water here so I invite you all to a feast at the cornucopia tommarow at 3:30 central time. There will be enough water for two tributes*trumpets
I set up camp near a cave: I dig a hole in the ground and spread my tent over it. I stick a rock in the middle of the tent and stick a cup in the hole.
I dash to the table. I sneakily grab the second bottle and play with it, then puts it back guiltily. I then run and set up a hidden snare, (offline)