The 76 Hunger Games

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Nachricht (01), Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Sit on the ground and starts crying. Then fell inconscious.

  2. Rushes over and looks at the wound. Touches three fingers o my lips then salutes rob. {offline}
  3. Hunting. Catches a small rabbit, stores away, then explores for possible camping site.

  4. Okay so new rule: anyone who does not show up within the next 12 HOURS wil be killed. Thank you.
  5. Lordrightnut is being stalked by green puffballs.
  6. Rips a peice off of rob's shirt and runs away as the hovercraft takes his body.

  7. Watch from paradises

    " ok now let see how it goes"
  8. Sets about building various pitfalls and snares for other tributes. Cooks and eats rabbit.

  9. Can I be a sponser shadowstream?
  10. Kills everyone in this stupid thread.

  11. Sucks a dick.

  12. Sucks another dick.

  13. Ok bastion
  14. Crazy yes. You other two are banned.
  15. Since nobody is on, everyone but lordrightnut, THEBlade, or whatever his new name is, and Me are dead. (offline)
  16. And gossninja13
  17. And winters. So only one girl left (mee) and 4 boys.
  18. Lordrightnut's stalked by fluffballs. As he falls asleep, they destroy his food supplies.