thaurmalite count thread

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -IIXII-AJ-IIXII-, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. Wait this thread is becoming a list of targets :0
  2. Yesss yess targs <3
  3. Posting what this thread is on each page defeats the purpose.
  4. No support.
  5. Yes
  6. The achievement for top so many are stupid. Should be a certain level reach. Top just reward the money spenders. A certain level of items lets all players reach the top reward.
  7. i love the event so far :lol: and i have a secret number of shards
  8. Plus 1 thanks to this thread ;)
  9. Heard 900 was the i stopped trying. Don't wanna xstal on this...rewards not good enough. Anyone higher?
  10. I can assure u the most is waaaay over 900
  11. I have 1,255 and I haven't used any xtals. Get yourself a sword. 