Re: Thank You 3 weeks is an awesome beginning Rusted and I hope you can stay on that hard road. It's a lifelong battle and I wish you the best in it. Glad to see the true strength of KAW, it's vets, have helped you come to terms with things. Best wishes In keeping things on the right path.
Re: Thank You Seriously though, there's no topic stated, just a vague "Real Life Talk" then some background information. I don't know if this post was supposed to pay respects to his brother or his wife/girlfriend or if this is a rant about military service life. I just don't understand what the topic of the conversation was. Maybe you were just tired and didn't feel like writing in a nice structure, At any rate please tell me what we are talking about here.
Re: Thank You A thanks to those who has helped and a hope to help others who may be living in dark days. That is the point of the thread.