Thank You (/lock)

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. Re: Thank You

    I love you
  2. Re: Thank You

    Welcome back OP, never really got to know you but you've seemed like a good guy so far so i'd like to get to know you, hit me with a follow back man. Congratulations on 21 days sober!
  3. Re: Thank You

    i feel your pain i think alot of us returning from that trip lost friends overseas and loved ones stateside.I have had my share of problems from that damm war.good luck from one ground pounder to another:)
  4. Re: Thank You

    Youre still a noobasaurus rex ;)
  5. Re: Thank You

    Good job.
  6. Re: Thank You

    Good For u bud..... GL
  7. Re: Thank You

    Good work mate. Keep it up. Keep proud️
  8. Re: Thank You

    It's the first time a post in the Kaw forum has made me cry! I wish you luck and well done for getting back on track. Hugs and kisses from a complete stranger xoxoxo
  9. Re: Thank You

    Rusted, just remember that you will stumble, but life is too short to waste feeling sorry for ourselves. Life is what you make of it, you can't change the past, but you can have control of your future.

    Just remember Saxon will be watching
  10. Re: Thank You

    This story is touching.. Respect to all who helped you trough this ****, you did great!

    Stay clean OP. 
  11. Re: Thank You

    Proud of you Rusty!
  12. Re: Thank You

    No support
  13. Re: Thank You

    Much respect, rusted.
  14. Re: Thank You

    Welcome back 
  15. Re: Thank You

    You should have gotten therapy. These things happen. When something bad happens, you can't just feel sorry and do nothing. You have to learn from it, make sure it doesn't happen again, and warn others not to make the same mistake as you. Make the best of the worst situation.
  16. Re: Thank You

    Everytime I went to see a psychologist I always felt worse afterwards and the closest VA with the means to talk to someone is a 3 hour drive. Was way to easy to make an excuse not to go.

    But I feel, as far as alcohol goes, I am done with it for good.

    Thanks for the support guys.
  17. Re: Thank You

    I've always thought that KaW is a micro-world; it can bring out the same good and bad traits in people. I'm glad you were able to get an assist from some of the many good people that play this game. Good luck with the road to recovery.
  18. Re: Thank You

    I may not know you or know your entire story. Heck, my situation was a lot like yours, yet different in some ways. I'm glad you're back on track and here, alive and well. May god bless you and thankyou for your service. I know what it's like to lose people very special to you, a friend, and warrior. Depression is no joy ride.
  19. Re: Thank You

    May God bless all those friends you have and people who helped you. May you continue on the right path. If you ever needsomeone to talk to, I'm here hun. :)
  20. Re: Thank You

    Rusty :) Good job, my boy. Good job 
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