Thank You Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXxRPL_I_AngusEmpire_l_RPLxXx, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Above statement proved how new I am.
  2. Just saying that bumping up several old threads can get you forum banned
  3. Oh. I didn't know that. Sorry.
  4. That statement was directed the the original poster but ok lol
  5. Oh. But what is iWrite?
  6. Something youwrote.
  7. Lol, but really, I see stuff that says from iWrite and stuff, what is that?
  8. iWrite was basically a company that protected threads from spam with attacks as results. They protected forums from spam. iWrite was awesome
  9. Oh. Am I to late to join?
  10. Above statement also possibly proved my newness to FF
  11. I would love to get a group together to get Fan Fiction back up and running again... Before that can happen though we need actual traffic and actual stories. You can't monitor and police a population that doesn't exist. Back in the day FF was one of the most active topics, there were hundreds of stories and only the good ones survived. iWrite Co made FF organized and I wish Bastion, Irin, and the other "founders" could help out.