Thank You Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXxRPL_I_AngusEmpire_l_RPLxXx, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. IKR. It started with Guardians and the FF Constitution. The Constitution was actually a good idea thoughZ
  2. A bit too overpowering though.
    And not enough enforcement to be effective.
  3. No what im saying is eg the other topics. Def not ff its been going great for yonks. Sorry if i said the wrong stuff
  4. But maybe we could enforce people not posting on story threads only
  5. LOL? Rubbish? You morons have like 20-30 people here, we have so many more on AT. Besides, YOU have a SET subject, writing EMO ****. We don't. Therefor, we will obviously have idiots post stupid threads etc.

    Not to mention, most people don't even know how to get to fag fiction.
  6. Hey CB :) Can you be a little less harsh?
  7. Well thanks for calling our writing emo :roll:
  8. Writer = emo?
    Low numbers = moron?
    Set subject = stupid?
  9. @Cheese

    For being a writer you sure do have shitty comprehension/reading skills.
  10. Well, it'd be nice to at least read an insult that made sense.
  11. Or maybe something more original...d_bo kinda already told us all that already...
  12. GB please leave. Anyway whats the topic. I might start writing!
  13. Someone here got a reccomendation from a mod.Really mod .Why?He broke ToU so many times in this thread alone!I am not saying who!You know who you are!
  14. This was fan fiction, it has degraded. Lets restore it. Sorry guys but you need a reminder so ill bump many important threads
  15. So many people that posted on here have gotten trolled off of forums.. :lol:

    Bastion still plays
  16. I know lol, ff was fun along time ago, this was a place for conversations ;)
  17. 2010 was the blossoming moment. Then...
  18. What's iWrite?