Thank you, CrystallineKitten!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sean893, Sep 3, 2015.

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  1. Sean nicest kaw player I've ever seen. Don't worry Sean il drop a seal soon for you too 
  2. Drop me one too, do it for the Fruits
  3. She sealed for Sean? Gonna have to strip her. Can't let anyone kiss vk ass.
  4. Buy your own seals you leach
  5. Sean 3/3/11.

    Let's take back the gold he earned on the seal.

  6. Stls 5/6/11. :lol:
  7. This is the stuff i like to see on kawrums <3 :') how nice :D
  8. So naughty 
  9. Join in the fun Vix! It's just Sean. Not like we're hitting anyone important.
  10. Why is everyone always hating on sean? He is the goddamn happiest person on the planet, yet you all are hating. Chumps
  11. Hey Crystallinekitten!

    Wanna protect your boyfriend from the big bad Frog?

    Throw me a sod and I promise I won't hit or strip him for a good three months.

    Until then

    3/3/11 np
  12. Rising 1/1/9 np
  13. You're hardcore hitting my 2m atk def with your atk stats, really useful to post that result :roll:
  14. Had to make sure I wasn't on PiMD.
    They have a relationship option there. :lol:
  15. The ig runner acting tough to baby accounts . Apoc should kick this ass and strip farm him
  16. Frog
    FB attack.
    14/14 Stls P:47

    Sean, Protected by Westiee and his goons :*
  17. Urghhh Such noobs.... Hello Master Westiee
  18. Wow! So many exclamation marks!
  19. Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna tate. Ignore the haters
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