Thank You WallRocketAJAX #1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _0ne, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Yeah, and what the **** are you doing right now? "OliBear- Active in Epic Battle" Mwhaaha. Hypocrite. Never mistake a EB noob.
  2. Sorry Goo I agree pure spies are coward builds. They right underneath the mp hansels carrying reset bombs
  3. Lol Jam I feel embarrassed for you its obvious you don't realise op is LB and has previously stated he's receiving no inc from Jax after he (Jax) failed 200 plus inc on op

    @ Rom So u won't jump in for your good friend Ajax but you'll hit guys trolling your trolling 
    Now all we need is another Philo Thread
  4. Bahahaha. So I look at your clan right.

    Rule 1: No farming. Oh yeah you bad ass you. :lol:
  5. Yu have no idea what trolling is. Oh btw the anti-troll Oli hit first. And you expecting Jax to have nothing bu success when OP is 21 in Overall Ally str.
  6. I hit first? You stupid? o_O
  7. I don't hit people off forums unless hit first bud :lol:
  8. What you gonna do OLI? Snitch to my clan? They support 1v1 like any clan should. Yeah you hit first, dumbass. Either way it don't matter.
  9. Woah someone getting mad bud? :lol: no I won't snitch to your no farming clan, I just find it funny how you act as if you hit anything other than EB, when your clan rule is no farming.

    And I didn't hit your first pus pop. But damn man get your panties out your crack bro. It's just a game :lol:
  10. Mad? Why you think that? Am a guest at this clan. I have no homeclan. Didn't know i have to joina clan that allows farming to be a badass. :roll:
  11. Ah the "this isn't my home clan" scheme. Nice nice
  12. This is kaw. Not happy?? Why not stand up in your so call case of injustice or bullying?? See u in my newsfeed then..otherwise just another case of bystanders who talk big and does nothing..
  13. And you aren't a bad ass o_O idk who told you that, but slap them.
  14. lmao, i joined here 2 days ago, derp.
  15.  well I'm happy to stick to my coward build I love my sleep
    Especially when wake to full news and full spy 
  16. Michael Jackson Hey wabbit, I bet ol' MJ brought back some bittersweet memories, huh?
  17. Alright rommy, your EB history only goes back 2 days so I guess you are tellin the truth. But what's your home clan? Just curious o_O

    Don't be embarrassed by them. Oli don't judge.
  18. Socket can I be in your newsI just want buy some your allies
  19. Don't have a homeclan. Never did.