tgl at last rights

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Karma, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. T minus 4 posts
  2. How do you suck at ebs? They're basically the easiest thing to do on this game. Step one-tap a button. Step 2-select an item and then, tap a button. Step three-tap a button. Tadah. Victory.
  3. Because we are in OSW most of the time? This is a small break and we have no clue what to do with any of these ebs
  4. Lets throw fiecies at them!

  5. Oh, then in that case, id advise you to look in the strategy section at wulfs stickied eb guide.
  6. Lol, yr pretty serious with yr ebs huh?
  7. Oh you know it! Eb warrior to the max.
    GO GO eb rangers!
    Tooo deee dooo taaa!
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