tgl at last rights

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Karma, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. Underestimate at your peril, we have not
    Dropped,believe that to your loss.
  2. I thought this thread was pretty good
  3. best of
  4. so cuuuuuuuute. just use the seal of deflection nub
  5. Good thread sir badger master - stick to pushing me threw paper thin walls 
  6. Oh piss of cheezey, don't use my drunk phrases against me you ******* man! You ******* woman! You ******* ****!
  7. ^Dang dude
  8. Bumble bee tell belle to take off her request for lock, she doesn't know the true value of this thread
  9. My fridge is a dinosaur egg
  10. Your lungs are filled with drug residue badger master. Go sleep or go to pal so i can laugh at your drunk/high ass
  11. belle is my master. I don't tell her what to do...
  12. Is there not a 30 character limit on names?
  13. I'm not drunk or high,

    I'm active.
  14. Sometimes the Slave becomes the master, bumble bee
  15. ╦║║╔╗╔╗║║╔╗╔╗╔╗║╔╗╔╗╔╗@ᏞᎡ
    ║╠╣╠╝║╗║║║║╠╝║║║║║║╣║║Bring 's
  16. No stat req yet u denie sparagga :mad:
  17. Wulfs eb guide?
  18. hmmm... im predicting lock... in -5 posts! :mrgreen:
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