Texas On Alert For Hostile Federal Invasion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Black-Dragon, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    So who do you think the government is worried about? Jade Helm conspiracy theorist? Or the above picture?

    Which of these activities threaten society? Talking about Jade Helm or burning out police vehicles?

    Rednecks in the woods? Or urban guerrillas?

    Texans or inner city activist willing to do anything. Including robbing 200 stores in one evening.

    You don't have to listen to Suspect Chin Music by Wu-Tang Clan. But u should. I rest my case.

    We soliders somebody shoulda told ya!
  2. Congressman Louie 'Asparagus' Gohmert Demands Military Alter Jade Helm!

    'May 5, 2015 - Louie Gohmert Sounds The Alarm About Possible Military Takeover Of Texas

    Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Tuesday demanded that the U.S. military alter a planned training exercise that some conspiracy theorists believe is cover for a possible takeover of the Lone Star state.

    Gohmert said in a statement that he understands Texans' concerns that the exercise, dubbed "Jade Helm 15," may be a precursor for martial law. He directed his criticism specifically at what has been reported to be a map of the training exercise, which labels Texas, among other states, as "hostile" territory

    'The map of the exercise needs to change, the names on the map need to change, and the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states."
    http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/l ... de-helm-15

    So far, no other state has expressed alarm or concern. The Utah governor's office did issue a statement which said "a war simulation in Utah and other states that has aroused suspicions is a standard exercise that is important for U.S. military training." after receiving 20 to 25 calls and emails from concerned residents.
  3. Lol Give em hell Texas.

    20-25 calls ain't noting though. That is barely the size of a high school classroom.

    Better start spamming the hashtags. We should do it because we know it irritates them.
  4. Lunatics will be lunatics. It's impossible to reason with crazy, and the people and groups that buy into or defend this conspiracy are objectively certifiable.

    One would hope that our elected leaders, and especially anyone running for the highest office in the land, would act as the voice of sanity and adulthood, and dismiss these delusions with contempt.

    However, whether it is because they actually believe these paranoid ramblings, or are simply willing to pander to the basest unreasonable fears of a disturbed populace, we have not seen any true leadership from the GOP.

    It is my fervent hope that at least one of the GOP leadership or presidential hopefuls, will stand up to the crazy and tell the people to take off their tinfoil hats.
  5. Lol and another one. He wants to see cities burn in America. Another non American with his no sense political talk.
  6. How many people partake in this Jade helm conspiracy theory? Hopefully more than 25-30 people in Utah and a handful of texans.

    Where is the proof this is widespread phenomenon? I want solid numbers of the thousand or tens of thousands. Not a few activist.

    I don't want to make you all look dumb, but you are going to have to stop making it easy. I haven't seen any proof of actual people in mass buying into this. Protest? Mass letters and phone calls?

    Can you prove this is outside the media world? Or do you just consume any information and believe. Like Jade Helm conspiracy theorist.

    Boom! Prove it's exist outside of the media
  7. I mention lunatics, and you respond.

    How utterly fitting
  8. That's doesn't change the fact you can't show me proof of mass outrage.

    I got a tin foil top hat. Gotta keep the microwaves out. What's your excuse for parroting?

    I'm making a tin foil cowboy hat later. Ill mail you one.

    We are running with a media driven story here. It's not driven by the people. This is why people on the left or right trust the media. This is way the government doesn't trust the media.

    Here I'll show what Government thinks about the corporate news agencies. Please Dragon or KingClam show me the evidence this is something we should be seeing on CNN. Outside of the typical political attacks on GOP leadership.
  9. You don't believe me. You two would probably take it better from Noam Chomsky.

    Necessary Illusions: Thoughts control in democratic societies.

    Media, Knowledge and objectivity. 1993 lecture.

    World Orders: Old and New

    The State-corporate complex: a threat to freedom and survival. Lecture at the university of Toronto. 2011

    Hopes and Prospects

    Force and Opinion. Article in Z magazine.

    Destroying the Common. Article Tom Dispatch.

    Please keyword search yourself. Other stuff comes up you may not get clicking on a link you may like to read.

    This is all Noam Chomsky. Hopefully you can read this in your respected countries. I'm gonna mail Chomsky a tinfoil cowboy hat. I hope it doesn't get flattened in shipping.

    So I'm making cowboy tinfoil hats for Chomsky and Texas. About 100 units. I'm also producing tinfoil wave caps for Baltimore. 15,000 units. Gonna get paid, tinfoil is cheap.
  10. Yeah guys I'm not really seeing this being something wide spread. I have noticed video clips of military hardware moving in the US and Canada. Calls for people to capture photos and video of military movements, and monitoring of the training exercises.

    The UN vehicles, hardware that has already been sold and moving for shipment. This isn't uncommon.

    Most of my searches bring up people really out in LEFT field. I'm not sure how you can get them to stop trying to shadow hardware/ military movements.

    I seen some videos of patriots, mostly down playing the exercises. Trying to quell any fear. I would look to people who don't like the US military. International opposition, truthers, 9/11 conspiracy theorist. Anti-Zionist. So we are technically looking for leftist. Although I see some spill over into the right with this.

    Who knows what Texas is trying to pull. It could be part of the exercise. Which is my assumption. With so many other things going on this isn't very important IMO.

    If I missed something somewhere I'm sure Dragon will spot it for you. We can look forward to some more quotes from unknown people with no relevances.

    Good luck with Jade Helm. I don't think I can help in any way.
  11. Okay I could actually feel the stupid here.
    If you're going to grasp at straws to remain relevant, at least do a half-ass job at your attempt.
  12. jade can also be blue, orange, or white.

    Im not pointing that out in defense of what you were referring too though. Just thought id mention it.
  13. [​IMG]

    I looked hard enough to find this in the Gay Patriot.

    Let's blame Obama and call it a day.
  14. Okay. This is making a little more sense now in regards to Texas.

    With calls to monitor Jade Helm exercises by activist, it is a easy call for Texas to deploy the national guard. If the guard is also monitoring, it will be easier to contain the activist. They can keep unwanted individuals away from the training grounds. It's a logical approach. Instead of scaring people away with rhetoric, they deployed the guard. They had issues with people showing up, and actually had to cancel exercises.

    If they come out right saying they don't want the exercises observed by activist. They run a risk of stirring up more questions. Like this one. Why don't you want us to know what you are doing. This could bring actually pressure from the populus, and milita type groups.

    I feel like I wasted hours of my life doing this. Thankfully I actually play KaW. So it's just a log on a a couple extra minutes after I drop some bars.
  15. And I mentioned as well. Hence my next lost. US ARMY can't just use some cheap lame jade. Us Army must use the best and most expensive jade.
  16. Jade Helm Divides Texas Politicians!

    "Jade Helm: The Conspiracy Theory That's Divided Texas Politicians

    Most conspiracy theories live and die on the Internet, on the ragged fringes of message boards and blogs. Rarely do they migrate to what we (perhaps misleadingly) call the real world. And rarely do they merit the notice of our leaders.

    That may be changing. On April 28, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas State Guard to 'monitor' a U.S. Army training exercise—Operation Jade Helm—that some Texas residents fear is a run-up to the Obama administration declaring martial law in the Lone Star state.

    The locus of those fears is Bastrop County, with population of about 75,000, which lies the southeast Austin. One day before Abbott made his announcement the United States Army Special Operations Command sent Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria to Bastrop to quell residents' fears.



    "In light of the people's overwhelming opposition to this martial law program, would the Commissioner's Court consider reversing their invitation to these guys? And would the court be offended if I told the colonel I didn't believe a single word he just said?" asked one man to resounding applause.

    "When we have a federal government that cannot tell the truth, how do we know that what you're saying is true?" asked another. More applause.

    The theory that the Obama administration is planning to turn West Texas Walmarts into FEMA re-education centers has been circulating on the right-wing fringe of the Internet and AM talk radio for a couple of weeks. The uproar seems to have been spawned after a U.S. Army training image for the exercise in which Texas, Utah and a small patch of Southern California are labeled "hostile" leaked online.

    Abbott is not the only Texas politician to hop on the bandwagon. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who is seeking to become the next president of the United States, told Bloomberg his office "reached out to the Pentagon to inquire" about Jade Helm.

    But others—including former governor and likely presidential candidate Rick Perry, and Mac Thornberry, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee—disagreed. "It’s OK to question your government. I do it on a regular basis," Perry said. "But the military is something else."

    "These are incredibly capable, patriotic Americans, and the notion that they’re going to be some sort of private army for the president to take away all our guns is just silly," said Thornberry."
    http://www.newsweek.com/jade-helm-consp ... ans-328760

    Best response I've read so far:

    "Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Senator Ted Cruz have weighed in on the side of booger eating stupidity. Think about it. Why would you need some secret plot to get Texans into a Wal-Mart? Announce a Veterans Day sale with 50% off all ammunition, Duck Dynasty camouflage, and frozen chicken nuggets, unlock the doors, and step the hell out of the way before you get trampled." Jim Wright

    (BTW, Abbot has asked the Texas State Guard to monitor the U.S. Military, not the Texas National Guard. The National Guard is part of the reserve components of the United States Armed Forces. National Guard units are under the dual control of the state and the federal government. The Texas State Guard falls under the command of the Governor of Texas. They are not a part of the United States Armed Forces. They're the Texas Military.)
  17. If Jim Wright is the best you have read, you need to work on your maturity level a little bit. That's was school yard insults man.

    AM talk radio and Texas politicians, a few activist. I still don't believe it. Those guys are ex and retired military.

    You are allowing provocateurs play in you formulating your opinion. I said it was a full spectrum training event. Media included.

    Btw. Has anyone noticed the spike in shootings in Balitmore? Ouchy.
  18. [​IMG]

    Texas knows how to Jade Helm like advertised.
  19. Rick Perry refuted the madness.

    That says something about how divorced from reality these people are, when Rick Perry is the voice of reason.
  20. Hey look I just made a KingClam sandwich.

    Nom nom nom

    U are a busy body buddy today.

    See what I did there?

    (Everything I say in forums is to advance my own entertainment within the game.)