Texas On Alert For Hostile Federal Invasion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Black-Dragon, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Ted Cruz investigating Federal Takeover of Texas!

    Ted Cruz questioned Pentagon over nutty Jade Helm rumors because ‘the government is not trustworthy’
    http://www.rawstory.com/2015/05/ted-cru ... ustworthy/

    Chuck Norris Fears Ranch Will Be Invaded!

    'Texas Ranger' Chuck Norris warns of government plot to take over state

    "The US government says, ‘It’s just a training exercise’,” wrote Norris, 75. “But I’m not sure the term ‘just’ has any reference to reality when the government uses it.”

    "I’m glad … Ted Cruz is asking the tough questions of the Pentagon,” Norris wrote. “Particularly because its ‘exercises’ come too near to my ranch’s backdoor as well, at least according to the map."
    http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015 ... over-texas
  2. Still living in Texas, still have heard nothing of this.
  3. Military training exercises are happening in every country. Heck... There's annual NATO training exercises in Germany, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech republic. And the main participant to these exercises is US Army. And guess what!? Nobody freaks out that USA is planning to occupy these countries.
    You guys should stop being so paranoid and be scared by your own military.
  4. This is not new, and the scope of it is not larger than others have been. This is usually in the eastern gulf coast.
  5. I remember when I was in the military and had the same type of exercises in my country. Normally we should always sleep in tents and sleeping bags and eat conservated food. Never did that. People was always invited us to sleep in their houses and eat their food. Heck, i even banged a daughter (was +18 so legit). Indeed if her father would knew he might stop being so friendly. But NOBODY freaked out to see military on their streets and get scared we are going to take away their freedom.
  6. You guys need to understand you need the military to protect you. That American Wolverines its just a movie. If you really think a bunch of teenagers on their puberty are going to stop potential invadors you are desilusional.

    Wake up! Live is anything but a movie.
  7. @akura- exactly. It's just war games. These are American soldiers playing war games at home. You think they are going to start imprisoning their own mothers/fathers/brothers/sisters?

    Ppl need to start using common sense and start turning off the talking heads that are trying to scare you for ratings.

    I'll bet lefty if any of the soldiers decide to camp in your yard, you will be more inclined to give them a round of cola's than you will be a round of .223. Remember, these are our brothers and sisters, training to protect you.

    Damn nutcases!!
  8. What akura said.
    One, we already have the largest military base here in Texas. If they wanted the state, they'd have taken it.
    Two, its the freaking U.S of A. Ain't nobody stopping an american force. So again, if they wanted the state, they'd have it.
    Three, and this is the most important point, we are already ******* americans. They can't overtake a state already in their union, because that's a stupider notion than north Korean supremacy.
  9. Republican Accuses Texas Governor of "Pandering to Idiots"!

    "Former GOP lawmaker blisters Abbott for ‘pandering to idiots’ over military exercises

    A 16-year Republican veteran of the Legislature wrote Gov. Greg Abbott saying he is appalled that the governor has given credence to a fringe group that fears the U.S. military would stage a take-over of Texas.

    In his letter to the governor, Todd Smith of Euless, who retired from public office in 2013, said he is “horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do.”

    He said he wrote because the thought that the U.S. military would be a threat to Texas is “embarrassing” and it is important “to rational governance that thinking Republicans call you out on it.”

    “Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is a cancer on our State and our Party?” Smith asked.
    http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/ ... ises.html/

    FYI Jade Helm 15 will take place in 7 states, not just Texas.
  10. And one more thing. The "players" of this war game are mainly Green Berets and a small group of Navy seals. If ever martial law will be set on place, for sure not special forces are the ones going to enforce it but most likely armored troops. No matter how well trained are green berets or navy seals a special forces platoon ccan't stop a riot. They are not even trained and don't have the material for that: anti-riot shields, tear gases, water guns. Anti-riot tactics are totally different than combat or covert operations tactics. There's troops trained especially on riot prevention and anti-riot fights. And those are not the special forces. Navy seals trying to stop a riot in Baltimore would have same success rate as an engineers platoon trying to infiltrate in a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan mountains and capture one of most wanted terrorists: none.
  11. Black-Dragon will be covering Sugar Pine Mine soon...

  12. Quick to call people morons I see...
    Tell me why you think 9-11 was not part of a larger plot. You idiots seem to just conform the way society wants you to. Bush and Bin Ladin were known to be close associates. Bush was trading arms with Al-Queda. He also personally paid for Bin Ladins plane departure before 9-11. In my opinion, Bush allowed Bin Ladin to commit this terrorist attack for monetary gain...oil
    Nuff said.
  13. [​IMG]

    Notice the wooden clog in the center of the Jade helm emblem. This is also known as a sabot. It is now a universal symbol of sabotage. More precise, it a symbol of sabotage by the workers.

    I do believe they started this by playing games with symbolism, then allowing it to become a topic for public discussion.

    IMO, they want the blow back. Hey you can listen to msm, or alternative media. The truth probably falls between them.

    Is what is more concerning in my eyes is military propaganda used on American citizens beyond the normal recruitment ads. Dissenters are created, if they don't want them they should stop doing things to create them. Like running psychological operation using atternative media. Then marginalizing the people you fed the propaganda to in MSM.

    With all that being said. I go back to the clog. The clog as a symbol of sabotage was started by Dutch worker unions. Unions, typically related and intertwined with communism. How it all relates I don't know. And I don't care.

    There is a old saying. A wise saying. Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. Live it.
  14. Jade Helm Code Cracked!


    By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Bible Christian perspective-

    Many of us researchers have been wondering what "JADE HELM " really stands for. I have scratched my head, trying to decipher what it could mean. I actually prayed about this!

    And just tonight, I came across an excellent and revealing article online from InvestmentWatch blog.


    "J.A.D.E."- Is an APP for the US military. It stands for "Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution."


    Yes, you read that correctly. ERADICATION OF LOCAL MILITANTS (i.e.-Patriots, militias, NWO resisters, gun owners, Constitutionalists, etc.)

    http://americanholocaustcoming.blogspot ... nd-is.html

    Oath Keepers Find More Hidden Codes!

    "Operation Jade Helm: Should We Be Worried?


    I posted a few preliminary thoughts on my Facebook page regarding this subject before writing this column. Here are a few comments from my Facebook followers:

    James: “Jade Helm. Jade is blue. Helm is German for helmet. Blue Helmet. UN blue helmets?”

    Jeanie: “Their supposed reasons for this exercise [don’t] make sense. They won’t be blending in with civilians in third world countries. The only purpose I can see is to use force against us one day.”
    http://oathkeepers.org/oktester/operati ... e-worried/

    Blue Helmets!
  15. Ummmm...jade is green not blue.
  16. At least the most rare and expensive variety of jade is green. I hope nobody dare to accuse Us Army for using some cheap lame jade.
  17. Moron. Bush and Bin Laden associates? More details please? Bush trading weapons with AL-Quaida? More details please?
  18. You idiots really think 9-11 was a government plot to have a reason to invade AfghanistanAS for "monetary gain=oil"? Was not needed 2000 Americans to die to have a reason. USA went to Vietnam without USA citizens to be killed. Went two times to Iraq without USA citizens to be killed. USA was bombing Serbia without USA citizens to be killed. There's no need for American citizens to die in order to have a reason to provide some freedom.

    And oh....there's no oil in Afghanistan. There's only poppy fields. Hey! I get it now! 9-11 happened because Bush wanted to roll the biggest joint EVER! GOOD catch Sara!
  19. [​IMG]

    Seems like the real issues is in urban areas. In reality. To the front of these guys is a stage. With Anon members preaching to the inner city peoples in Baltimore.

    Notice the sign. The Media lies!!

    Wat makes this any different that msm wouldn't be lying?

    I seen it with my own eyes. The people. Liberals pushing media off the streets. Attacking them. Plain and simply not wanting Msm involved.

    I'm not sure if this thread is the dog wagging the tail. Or the tail wagging the dog. Either way, the information isn't and won't be trusted. Keep trying.

    One thing i noticed this time around. Again. Is the bloggers who do Jade Helm and patriot type of propaganda supporting the #BaltimoreUprising.

    This is why people who aren't Americans shouldn't do these threads. They literally do not know the people. The information they get is all online articles. If you can't get on the street you will never know who thinks what.

    Which in turn makes you look stupid. Especially saying protesters were outspoken about martial law, and military occupation of the city. I can't stress enough this is left wing propaganda.